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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why Public Option is not an option in the Historic Health Care Reform?

By Padmini Arhant

During the Presidential election campaign in 2008, despite the encouraging endorsement from the “Majority White,” electorate in Iowa, the media, the African American caucus and the Democratic Party wrote off the Obama candidacy in the wake of New Jersey and Nevada results favoring the then formidable opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton representing the establishment in the Democratic Party.

It could be a distant memory. Nevertheless, the reality of an African-American candidate as the 44th President of the United States made possible by the average citizens from all walks of life representing the stars and stripes who came forward in multitudes with donations ranging from a dollar to an affordable amount, seeking the long overdue change in Washington.

It certainly didn’t emerge from the political realm or within the Party and various African American organizations who were cautiously weighing in on the direction of the political storm.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Star is Born - The Son of God as the Savior

By Padmini Arhant

The world rejoices the birth of a star from heaven whose mere presence on earth salvaged the misguided, illuminated the ignorant and enlightened the pious. This shining brilliant light dispelled the darkness by spreading knowledge about truth, love and inner peace. The reference made to none other than the Lord Jesus, the son of God as the savior.

Lord Jesus is not only the guiding force for the followers of Christianity but also others from the secular base. As a noble yet humble preacher, Lord Jesus touched upon innumerous hearts and minds with his profound message for humanity. Jesus demonstrated his teachings through indomitable service and sacrifice to lead mankind towards salvation.

Those who followed Lord Jesus attained sainthood and became worthy of worship. While others found a purpose to life. Jesus taught human beings to be caring, loving and compassionate to one another. Despite the passage of time, Lord Jesus is the glory of God.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Message to the President and Congress

From: Padmini Arhant

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Congratulations! On the health care bill victory.

My compliments to the members in the United States Senate in passing the historic legislation, even though I have reservations about the main content, details presented in the earlier article.

I sincerely hope that the people of this great nation will not be let down in the final deal.

It’s a monumental feat and the people have every reason to expect the best outcome favoring the mass across the spectrum and not merely the industries that are primarily responsible for the status quo.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Public Opposition to Senate Health Care Bill

By Padmini Arhant

The Senate health care bill is about to seal the deal with the insurance and the drug companies reportedly having invested a significant proportion of the total worth $3.3 billion in lobbying Congress. Further, according to the Center for Responsive Politics the health insurance industry spent millions of dollars on the top five senators overseeing the senate health care bill.

Had not only the Senators delivered to the insurance industry and the Big Pharma by rejecting the people’s choices of a single payer system or the public option to induce real competition ensuring a windfall for everyone of them but also,

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, December 21, 2009

COP15 – Copenhagen 2009 Tentative Accord

By Padmini Arhant

The two-week long climate summit evidently dissatisfied the scientific and the international community despite the arrival of the world leaders from around two hundred countries to discuss the climate change confronting humanity at the present time. Although, the international forum provided the platform to share the concerns among the delegates representing many nations, the entry prohibition to the civil society and other legitimate voices is undemocratic aside from being discriminatory towards the nexus organizations.

It appears the contentious issues demanding focus include the following:

Please refer to for the remaining article.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Senate Health Care Bill – Defrauding Democracy

By Padmini Arhant

The Senate is moving forward to wrap up the ‘historic legislation’ as a Christmas gift to their campaign financiers, the insurance industry. Although, the sound bites deceptively imply the magnanimous favor to the American public, the hostage in the ‘so-called’ health care reform, the reality is examine worthy.

The fact of the matter is the bill cannot be any more hostile to the American people as the taxpayers, the consumers and the electorate in a democracy. It targets the employers i.e. the small businesses, medium and large corporations, the dwindling middle-class and the struggling working class forced to buy private insurance with penalty imposition on the employers and individuals along with the Medicare expansion denial to senior citizens between the age group 55-64.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, December 11, 2009

COP15 – Copenhagen 2009

By Padmini Arhant

I welcome all nations attending the climate summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. It’s a symbolic recognition of the ‘greenhouse gases’ affecting humanity at the present time.

Since the nations across the globe have come together to arrive at a consensus in containing the burgeoning environmental crisis threatening life existence and sustenance on earth, it’s vital to display solidarity in dealing with the humanitarian challenge.

Prior to the conference, the anti-environmentalists coalesced to spread the propaganda against global warming through ambiguous data arousing skepticism in the public mind. Unfortunately, whenever there is opposition to a common cause benefiting humanity, the isolated views temporarily overshadow the reality. Therefore, it’s necessary for the world population to invade the fiction with facts during such meeting or any other time.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Mighty Deception – War and Politics

By Padmini Arhant

The West Point address delivered by President Barack Obama on the troops surge resonate the message from the former President George W. Bush then amassing support for troop expansion in Iraq. Therefore, it is no surprise and not hard to figure out the source providing the material.

Since invasion, Afghan war is presented as the war of ‘necessity’ against the Iraq war of ‘choice.’ Indisputably, on September 11, 2001 there were over three thousand lives mercilessly and willfully murdered through pre-meditated, callous act apparently by the terror organization Al-Qaida but seemingly masterminded by the alleged real terror, the Cabal wreaking havoc on the planet thus far.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Reality of the Afghan and Iraq War - Myth Behind the Troop Surge

By Padmini Arhant

I urge every reader of this article to view the contents of the preceding article published under the title ‘Global Terrorism – 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden Revelations,’ International Politics, on this website,

The adapted articles and segments substantiates the fact that 9/11 attack could have been prevented at all costs and the terror leader Osama Bin Laden apprehended during many opportunities presented time and again.

Article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Terrorism - 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden Revelations

By Padmini Arhant

It is evident from recent terror attacks around the world, that democracies or other form of governments are incapacitated in dealing with security issues on national and international level.

The perennial War on Terrorism has invigorated worldwide fundamentalism aside draining the economies.

It is important for the global community to come forward and demand a legitimate explanation for their government’s impotence in establishing peace as opposed to war against human race.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Message Alert to America and the Rest of the World

By Padmini Arhant

I’ll release my response shortly to the recent development on the Afghan war and the West Point address by President Barack Obama.

I urge every American to take responsibility for actions committed on their behalf and in their name on foreign locations through political activities and wars by the powerful establishment such as the Military Industrial Complex that not only undermines the American democracy but also serves as the primary reason for global terrorism against American lives.

These are serious times demanding absolute attention because ‘Change’ cannot happen with one person’s voice and it’s imperative for every human being on this earth to think and contemplate over the powerful controlling the destiny of billions of lives through dominance and unconstitutional interference in political domain.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Checks and Balances - Afghan War Strategy

By Padmini Arhant

In my earlier post, World Peace – Part 1, I mentioned about the military might prevalent in the economic and political aspects governing the domestic and the international societies. Although, it’s not a revelation that the military industrial complex (MIC) authority spreads beyond the realm of providing national security, it’s imperative to study the extent of the institutional power.

Besides the limited constitutional role by the military to defend the nation upon real and potential attack, the unconstitutional engagements are expansive and encroaching on the general society.

Often, it’s the ‘potential’ more than the ‘real’ threats or attacks that are the premise for the prolonged military operation proved extremely lucrative in the prolific conventional and nuclear arms race.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Afghanistan – The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) Indefinite Mission

By Padmini Arhant

The White House and the Congress members are back at work after a refreshing break from the ‘Thanksgiving’ holiday that allows the average and the privileged citizens to celebrate the family moments together. Not all are able to participate in the long held tradition due to the ceaseless demands of the high commanders, the real authority in the system disguised as democracy.

Military Industrial Complex (MIC) troops expansion policy is having a nuclear impact on the nucleus of the Army, the brave men and women in harm’s way as evidenced in the following reports:

From 1st Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally said of soldiers from Able Troop, 3-71 Cavalry Squadron:

“They become your family and being able to eat together like this, to break bread together is a highlight.”

“We’re thankful for all still being here. We’ve been lucky,

From Padmini Arhant: For the kind attention of,

President Barack Obama, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Diane Feinstein and the united Republican members of Congress endorsing the enormous troop buildup,

Would you, perhaps consider either matching or exceeding the incredible sacrifice by the honorable Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally in the following manner?

As per the above report, “1st Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally, a father of three from Deltona, Fla., has spent four ‘Thanksgivings, three Christmases and “quite a few birthdays” away from home.”

More realities presented @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, November 29, 2009

World Peace - Part One

By Padmini Arhant

Since it’s my 200th post on this website,, I would like to dedicate the article to my favorite topic, Peace.

The world is riddled with violence in the worst form of terrorism and warfare not barring the dangerous nuclear threats. Then there are local crimes like the drug war in Mexico or the politically incited Philippines massacre exacerbating the miseries of the population. It would be appropriate to attribute the present situation to the political, economic and social injustice prevalent in the society.

Throughout history, the dominance of one nation over another through invasion, illegal occupation and provocative actions have led to the retaliation through terrorism and war including the use of nuclear arsenal witnessed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Often, when the rich nations demonstrate the political power in combination with the military might against the economically weaker countries, the aggression contributes to the perennial chaos and catastrophe.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Padmini Arhant

A special day to thank the people for their love, compassion and actions that positively impact the recipient’s life. In this respect, the nation is thankful to the brave men and women in harm’s way for their sacrifices in many different ways, most importantly their precious life. Within the community, there are many benevolent individuals dedicating their time and resources for others’ welfare. They deserve acknowledgment by the members. Then the family unit, where the relationship is strengthened with genuine care, affection and understanding for each other unconditionally recognized in a subtle or profound manner.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Thanksgiving Message – A Sense of Gratitude

By Padmini Arhant

Message to President Barack Obama

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

After careful consideration, I would like to convey the withdrawal of my support to your administration based on your recent policy decisions on many issues.

I am not a politician. Although I’m privileged to have lived in different democratic countries and had many opportunities to participate in politics, I didn’t have any affinity for it mainly because:

The political environment is often dominant with “staying in power” that provides the means to fame and fortune rather than the sincere dedication to serve the people by taking political risks against the will of the establishments controlling the government in the systems disguised as democracy.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, November 23, 2009

California Public Education Crisis

By Padmini Arhant

The world-renowned budget fiasco in California has led to its recognition as the ‘failed’ state in the nation. Through drastic budget cuts targeting the nerve of the economic system such as education, health care and other essential programs for children and elderly, the legislators and the Governor in Sacramento have successfully desecrated the Golden State into a bankrupt state.

As a result, the Californians are forced to bear the brunt of the ideology driven governance steadfast in prolonging the crisis rather than accepting pragmatic solutions offered to the elected officials least concerned or affected by their disastrous performance.

In the past week, the students in California were compelled to protest the atrocious 32 percent increase in undergraduate educational fees costing above $10,000 a year in the next fall, comparatively triple the cost a decade ago. Apparently, the UC Regents’ callous decision made after a 10 percent hike earlier this year.

Remaining article presented @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Senate Preliminary Victory on Procedural Vote

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the American public, President Barack Obama, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and the Senators casting their votes to enable the health care debate for Senate approval.

It’s encouraging to witness the commitment from the majority to improve millions of American lives.
The action was long overdue and it’s just beginning to take fruition. I have no doubt that upon the historic national health care legislation; the American electorate would reciprocate in the 2010 mid-term elections with the appropriate results.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, November 20, 2009

Senate Vote on Health Care Bill

By Padmini Arhant

The Senate health care bill is currently under scrutiny requiring 60 procedural votes to qualify for the Senate voting process. At present, the democrats have 58 votes in favor with two independents unclear and the remaining Republican votes unanimously opposed to the bill. I’ve confidence in the (I) U.S. Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders with his support to alleviate the suffering of millions in Vermont and across the nation.

While the Democrats laying out the facts and figures, the Republican lawmakers are meticulously scanning for flaws in their defense to block the anxiously awaited health care legislation.

Senate version of the health care bill proposes $848 billion allowing coverage for 31 million uninsured Americans with a CBO (Congressional Budget Office) assessment confirming an impressive $130 billion cost savings otherwise a massive federal deficit reduction over a decade.

Remaining article continued @http://www,

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Response to Vice President Al Gore and DCCC Chairman Rep. Chris Van Hollen

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Mr. Vice President and Rep. Van Hollen,

Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your request. However, the required information sent on priority basis should be available prior to the deadline.

Enclosed please find the contribution and the survey completed with specific targets vital for immediate economic recovery and national progress.

I appreciate your kind remarks and the invitation to participate in the legislative affairs. I pledge my support to defend the policies benefiting the people of the United States of America as well as the global citizens.

Furthermore, I consider it’s really important for the incumbent and the prospective legislators to make a firm commitment to serve the people electing them to office and not become the proxies for the special interests. I reiterate the fact that despite millions of dollars in investments towards any political campaigns, the ultimate power lies with the electorate in a democracy.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Vice President Al Gore - Communiqué

By Padmini Arhant

Health Care Reform - A priority for the victims of the status quo.

Please be sure to watch the videos.

Full Content available @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Honduran Election Jeopardy

By Padmini Arhant

The political situation in Honduras has evolved into a constitutional crisis with the upcoming national elections scheduled on November 29, 2009. President Manuel Zelaya, a democratically elected head of the state was ousted through a military coup approved by the Honduran Congress on the premise that the deposed leader allegedly attempted to subvert the constitution to remain in power.

Meanwhile, the self-appointed interim President Roberto Micheletti has not wasted any time in demonstrating the monstrosity of a typical military coup since seizing power in June, 2009. In a bizarre twist to the political fiasco, the Congress and the military regime are in breach of the constitution they were proposing to defend against the Zelaya government. Hondurans plight has worsened with the political unrest and contrarily solidified the support for the legitimate Zelaya leadership.

To add insult to injury, the U.S. State Department intervened in a manner to broker the open-end ‘Tegucigalpa San Jose Accord’ on October 29, 2009 without any stipulations or deadline.

Please refer to for the remaining article.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Israel Palestine Peace Treaty

By Padmini Arhant

The fate of the two state solutions is hanging in balance and the peace process has once again come to a screeching halt. Initially, there appeared to be momentum on both sides until the controversial yet credible issues surfaced and ignored by the parties in default.

The contentious issues are -

Freezing Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem in its entirety.

Honoring the Gaza report compiled by the Head of the UN Fact Finding Mission, Justice Richard Goldstone, overwhelmingly approved by the U.N. Human Rights Council and the U.N. General Assembly recently.

Article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

By Padmini Arhant

On this important day, we take a moment to remember the men and women in harm’s way and their courageous service at home and overseas. This particular time is remorseful with the recent tragedy at Fort Hood, Texas involving the loss of innocent lives and subsequent grief among the victims’ families.

Not all human beings can pledge their life to serve the nation in a combat environment and those who come forward to do so are uniquely honorable. Every one of these individuals deserves national appreciation for their tremendous contribution towards security, freedom and humanitarian deeds.

It’s important to maintain the federal run VA health care and rehabilitation programs for all service members and their families. Further, the government assistance to the veterans’ families with housing, education and other social services are equally essential to help them cope with the economic hardships while their family members are engaged in the active duty or otherwise. It’s the least any nation can do for the armed personnel deployed in various parts of the world.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

National Unemployment - A Reality Check

By Padmini Arhant

According to the latest reports, the current jobless rate is 10.2% with 16 million Americans competing for 3 million jobs. Apparently, this figure does not include the underemployed. The Corporate related unemployment is further expected to rise up to 10.8% by the end of next year. Another grim factor is the joblessness among the self-employed and the small business retrenchments reportedly escalate the figure to an alarming 17.5% resembling the severe depression era.

Growing unemployment is a major impediment as consumer spending is directly linked to the job market posing a downside for the entire economy. Despite, the economic growth at 3.5% along with the 9.5% annual productivity for the recent quarter, the American workforce is yet to benefit from the surge in these areas.

The most affected sectors appear to be construction, manufacturing and retail. Although, the recent stimulus signed by President Obama extends unemployment benefits for 14 weeks and 20 weeks to the worst hit states combined with the tax credits for the first time and other home buyers, the problems confronting the industries required to generate jobs is attention worthy.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Candid Disclosure

By Padmini Arhant

Last night the health care legislation passed by the House of Congress is a major step towards recognizing the American people’s plight in the most stressful economic times. The House members confirmed that their consolidated efforts and commitment to the American electorate could produce the desirable results in the economic, social and environmental cause.

Health care is relevant to all and no longer an individual matter.

I had recently fallen ill from women’s related health issue in the months of September and October 2009. Accordingly, I was scheduled for a major surgery on November 4, 2009 - ironically on the anniversary of the historic Presidential election date and around the special elections.

In order to deal with the health crisis, I had to suspend some activities and focus on the immediate recovery plan. It was a temporary action and not meant to avoid communication at any level. Now, I’m able to resume direct contact with the responsible authorities.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Health Care Bill – HR 3962 – Twenty First Century Milestone

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Congratulations! To the American public, President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House members for the successful passage of the long overdue Health Care reform.

The American citizens and the members of the Congress deserve the accolades for the hard work, determination and relentless campaign to reach the milestone in the twenty first century. After several months of grueling discussions, exhaustive debates, and personal experiences shared by millions of suffering Americans, the historic reform is materialized today.

Despite threats, ultimatums and partisan politics the achievement is indeed remarkable and praiseworthy. Now, it is dependent upon the Senate members to meet with the national expectations in completing the legislative requirement for President Obama’s signature.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Fort Hood, Texas Tragedy

By Padmini Arhant

The shooting in Fort Hood, Texas killing 13 service men and women, besides leaving several wounded is a great humanitarian tragedy. Whenever there is loss of innocent lives from a shooting rampage of this kind or in the war zones, no reason can possibly justify the action.

Regardless of the suspect’s background, a decision to take the life of another human being is not a prerogative and certainly not granted by any religion followed by many across the globe.

Human actions driven by personal convictions against events deserve isolation from the religious connotation.

Plainly spoken, Islam is a religion of peace like every other religion in the world. There are scores of pious Muslims practicing their faith and engaged in various humanitarian deeds. Any discriminatory comments or religious slander would only exacerbate the situation rather than healing the wound on all sides.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gubernatorial and Congressional Race - 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the winners in the recent election that has revitalized the Republican Party grabbing the gubernatorial race in Virginia and New Jersey, similarly reassured the Democratic side with the historic win in upstate New York and anticipated victory in California that anything is possible in general.

Since the election outcome, the Republican members’ rhetoric is directed towards the Democrats’ domestic policies particularly the health care reform and the ‘cap and trade’ bill. As usual, some pundits targeted the ruling majority’s agenda and concluded that the electorate’s verdict on Tuesday’s election was the quid pro quo to the Republican minority.

Remaining article could be viewed @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Afghan Election Malady – The Resumption of the Puppet Government

By Padmini Arhant

“More of the same,” – the campaign slogan used in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election against the Republican candidate John McCain is adapted by the current U.S. administration in the endorsement of the corrupt Karzai government.

The incumbent President Hamid Karzai subsequent to being found guilty of massive voter fraud amid intense violence against the Afghani population during the first round of election on August 20, 2009, now hailed the victor following the challenger DR. Abdullah Abdullah’s withdrawal from the highly skeptical runoff election scheduled for November 7, 2009.

Afghan election chairman Azizullah Lodin, a staunch supporter of President Hamid Karzai, arrived at a decision against the will of the Afghan people enduring medieval era economic and social injustice under the Karzai governance since 2001.

The White House declared the election ‘historic’ and extended congratulatory message to their nominee, President Hamid Karzai, along with the ally Britain and the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. The irony is, the glorified election had no ‘democratic’ element whatsoever in the previous round or in the repeat election planned on November 7, 2009.

Rest of the content available @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mutiny in Pakistan

By Padmini Arhant

The terror networks scattered around Pakistan have joined forces with Al-Qaida and Pakistani Talibans to challenge the fragile central power in Islamabad. October has been the bloodiest month with a spate of suicide bombings and explosions in different cities including the audacious attacks against the military headquarters heightened by a hostage crisis.

Major cities like Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and Islamabad have been the fair game for the militants seeking vengeance towards the Pakistani military operation against the domiciled Talibans in the South Waziristan, the lawless region controlled by the terror groups.

When the country’s military and the intelligence that is constitutionally limited to national defense expand their role in civilian affairs through military coups, aiding and abetting in the assassinations of Political candidates, orchestrating terrorist activities in foreign nations, the backlash is accordingly serious and consequential. Naturally, the monsters raised by the Pakistani ISI and the ‘esteemed’ military are now giving them the run for the money.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Afghan Strategy

By Padmini Arhant

In the past weeks, the additional troops request from the U.S. Commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal in the 10,000 to 80,000 range and then reportedly cut back to the median 40,000 troop level is attention worthy due to the flurry of comments, rhetoric and insinuations from the quarters responsible for the status quo.

The U.S. troops presence including the recently approved contingency expected to arrive in December 2009 stands at 68,000 along with the participation of 28 nations in the form of NATO alliance further boosting the military representation in one nation – Afghanistan, to deal with the combined insurgency from the Afghan Talibans and the Al-Qaida in the northern regions.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Afghan Election Quagmire

By Padmini Arhant

As detailed in the blogpost titled

‘U.S. Dilemma on Afghanistan’ published on the website September 1, 2009 – in the ‘International Politics’ category,

The flawed Afghan election results in favor of the current President Hamid Karzai appropriately rejected by the U.N. backed investigators with the runoff election scheduled for November 7, 2009.

Afghanistan heading for yet another election within two weeks is a tall order given the recent turmoil in the electoral process that led to the annulment of the results. Modern democracy is not devoid of voter fraud, corruption and unscrupulous tactics by the respective campaigns representing the political candidates.

However, the Afghan election is complex due to the extremism ranging from physical threats, ballots stuffing, violence that mars the democratic protocol and worsened now with the August election declared ‘flawed,’ by the United Nations panel and the other international authorities.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Health Care Legislation

By Padmini Arhant

The Congress is engaged in the Medicare payments to doctors as part of the broader aspect of the health care legislation. Despite the opposition’s insinuations against the government run successful Medicare program, it’s imperative for the lawmakers to sustain the viability of the Medicare and the Medicaid by honoring the providers’ legitimate request for payments increase that would substantially reduce the health care costs currently incurred by the taxpayers through payments to private insurers.

As stated earlier, the conservative and the moderate Democrats’ unwillingness to support the public option is contributing to the stalemate in the health care legislation. Even though, the recent Washington Post/ABC Poll confirmed that an impressive 57 percent of the American population is overwhelmingly in favor of the ‘public option’ plan, some Democratic legislators’ reluctance to join the majority on this issue is disappointing and deserve a valid explanation for their position that is detrimental to the national interest.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Diwali Greetings

October 17, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Happy Diwali to all Hindus as well as others in India and around the world.

Diwali is the festival of lights and an occasion to celebrate the triumphant of good over evil. In the contemporary life, the festival marks the new beginning with an opportunity to strengthen the positive virtues and discard the negative vices for a better future.

The prayer for joy, peace and prosperity in life is the common feature of the festival.

I join all those celebrating this wonderful festival and pray for the world peace, progress and prosperity.

I hope the brilliant lights illumine the world and expel the pervasive darkness for a new era filled with compassion, love and peaceful existence.

Once again, “Sab Ko Diwali Mubarak,” “Deepavali Nal Valthukal.”

Happy and Joyous Diwali / Deepavali to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Peace and Freedom to Tibet


Attention: Mr. Richard Gere
Chairman of the Board of Directors
International Campaign for Tibet

Dear Mr. Richard Gere,

I acknowledge your kind invitation to join you and millions of voices around the world in the Freedom Campaign for Tibet. I admire the passion, determination and zeal exhibited by the supporters towards the noble cause.

I share your concerns and views regarding the human rights abuse, violation and suppression of democracy in Tibet. Having been a resident of New Delhi, India, I’m all too familiar with the plight of the Tibetan population fleeing their homeland from persecution and unspeakable crime against humanity.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Darfur Plea for USA from UNHCR


Meryl Streep - Hollywood

Washington DC 20077-7282

Dear Meryl Streep,

I appreciate your humanitarian concerns with respect to Darfur crisis.
Unfortunately, the widespread human atrocities not confined to a specific demography despite the world progress in other aspects.

Darfur is the worst humanitarian crime in the twenty first century and soon nearing a decade for the genocide. Yet, the most influential authorities like the United States, the European Union, the emerging economic powers and the United Nations continue to witness the heinous act instead of terminating it once and for all.

Although, the humanitarian relief is commendable, the poignant issue is the reluctance and the lack of action from the United Nations Security Council and the other affluent democracies in Europe and North America.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

2010 Elections - Response to President Bill Clinton


Hon. President Bill Clinton.
New York

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your letter. It’s truly an honor to receive your request.

I share your thoughts and concerns about the 2010 elections outcome. Needless to say, that you have experience with the opposition majority during your presidency and the challenges you faced in the legislative process with the “Government Shut Down” led by the former speaker Newt Gingrich and the republican allies.

Although, I agree that the Senators competing for their first term or re-election require the grassroots/base support, the general public perception from the health care debate is - the conservative and the moderate democrats forget their promise to the electorate that initially support them to get where they are now.

Rest of the content available reference Politics - United States @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Health Care Bill – Senate Finance Committee and the Republican Vote

By Padmini Arhant

The decision by the Maine Senator, Olympia Snowe to get on board in the health care reform is a welcome change and provides hope for the bipartisanship even with a singular vote now.

It would have been a cause for celebration if the bill did not marginalize the purpose of this health care reform i.e. the public option that is no longer an option but a necessity for millions of people and small businesses worst hit in the national crisis.

The misplaced objective of this bill from the start has been to impress the ‘so-called’ fiscal conservatives squandering the national wealth on warfare resulting in massive casualties while being miserly on matter related to saving life.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Prize 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Nobel Peace Prize

Dear Mr. President,

Heartfelt Congratulations! On this noble honor to you and our nation.

I hope that the nuclear free, peaceful world is a possibility in the near future.

Best Wishes and Good Luck to you in all your peaceful endeavors.

More information @

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Misplaced Diplomacy - His HolinessThe Dalai Lama’s Visit to Washington

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama is one of the favorite guests for the people around the world. The spiritual leader is a personification of peace, joy and immense hope for the people of Tibet and an overwhelming majority in the international community.

His Holiness’ visit has been anything except controversial in any part of the world, despite the authority in China politicizing the spiritual leader’s visit to deflect the horrendous humanitarian crime against the peaceful Tibetan population not barring the suppression of democracy in the Mainland and ethnic provinces of China.

According to the news reports, Washington has differed the meeting with his holiness as a precautionary measure due to the impending visit by the President of the United States to China and the possible ramifications on the Chinese leadership cooperation or the lack thereof in the economic and environment policy, notwithstanding the contentious Iranian nuclear negotiations.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, October 5, 2009

Greece Legislative Election - 2009

By Padmini Arhant

On October 4, 2009, the people of the Hellenic Republic went to the polls and unanimously elected the Panhellenic Socialist Movement leader, George Papandreou as the next Prime Minister for a four-year term office.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, October 4, 2009

2016 Olympic Games

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Congratulations! To the world famous Mardi Gras city, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil for the spectacular victory in their bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games.

Although, all contestants’ promotional bidding was exceptional, the Brazilian presentation was compelling and befitting the outcome. The IOC decision was fair and appropriate considering the other bidders had hosted the international event before and in the case of the United States on numerous occasions within the Olympics diversifications, i.e. Summer, Winter and Para Olympics in several venues, making the USA a prominent host of the most Olympics.

It’s a phenomenal feat for the South American nation, a rising economy and an international champion in the world-renowned sport, ‘football.’ Brazil also honored to host the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and now the Summer Olympics in 2016, an extraordinary achievement for the rising star.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, October 2, 2009

Gandhi Jayanti – October 2nd, Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday

By Padmini Arhant

India blessed on the October 2, 1869, with the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, later became ‘The Champion of Peace and the Non-Violence Icon’ for his country and the entire world.

The righteous world leader was a saint rather than a politician. Gandhiji, a reference made in reverence, practiced what he preached to the world - a rare trait and indeed a misnomer in the contemporary politics.

Gandhiji’s presence was timely and poignant in the world that was subject to slavery, holocaust, colonizations and fascism all around. With hopelessness and despair at its peak, the frail yet feisty individual emerged to challenge the odds and beat it on his terms and they were –

War is not in the solution to peace and Violence is not the pathway to justice.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Corporate Role in the Environmental Crisis

By Padmini Arhant

Tragedy strikes once again in the earthquake prone Indonesia causing a chain of events in other coastal territories viz. the Western Samoa hit with Tsunami, The Philippines embracing the worst casualties in the poorest region from the Typhoon, Japan and Hawaii remaining on alert due to the warnings issued by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Remaining articles available @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SOS - Save the Arctic

By Padmini Arhant

Mother Nature has never been more vulnerable than now with the human power in industries and government targeting every available land on planet earth for profits. With the active space exploration for possible inhabitation on Mars and the Moon, earth’s natural resources depleted to the ultimate under the guise of ‘Clean Energy Act,’ by the yet another indomitable force in the corporate world, the ‘Energy Cartel.’

Should they trail behind in the Herculean contest of crushing democracy and the people it represents?

‘Profit’ revered more than the “Prophet” spares none in its sinister cannibalism revealed in the legislative matters concerning health, housing, finance, wars and even the planet they exist. It is no longer the Darwinian ‘survival of the fittest’ with a subtle hope for efforts to survive if not thrive in the sharks-infested waters.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Afghan War, the Additional Troops Request and the Election - Analysis

Analysis: By Padmini Arhant

From the earlier data, it is conclusive that since the inception of the Afghan war, the constant flow of funding and the troops surge has remained the routine build up in the ill-conceived ‘so-called’ war on terror. The long fought war in the past eight years and previously against the Soviets should provide the U.S. defense a concise idea about the Afghan terrains, terrorists’ hideouts and other relevant operational tactics by the Talibans and the Al-Qaida forces.

Please follow link for the rest of the article.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, September 28, 2009

Afghanistan War, the Additional Troops Request and the Election

By Padmini Arhant

There has been additional troops request from the U.S. and NATO Commander, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal accompanied by the endorsements of the other highest commands. The request made with a sense of urgency within the military ranks based on variable assessments and conflicting reports from different sources that if the troops request delayed or denied; “it could perhaps lead to the mission failure” in the prolonged war that had continued to deploy troops on that strategy.

For the rest of the article, please refer to

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Federal Republic of Germany - Bundestag Election

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! to the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and the FDP leader Guido Westerwelle on the re-election of CDU-CSU (Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union) in grand coalition with the Free Democratic Party in the 17th German Federal election on September 27, 2009.

As a major economic power and the largest exporter as well as the second largest importer of goods, Germany is significant to the global economy and the international progress. The export-oriented nation has been drastically affected from the global economic crisis. It experiences the common woes like the financial market failure leading to the government bailouts; massive job loss in the manufacturing sector especially the automobiles and heavy industrial equipments…having a ripple effect on other sectors in the economy.

However, Germany has contained the crisis from further deterioration due to the various government run programs viz.

Please refer to for the remaining content.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, September 25, 2009

The 64th Session of the UN General Assembly and G-20 Summit

By Padmini Arhant

Welcome to the forum on the important global gathering of nations to discuss the issues confronting the international community at large.

A humble request to all visitors to the website to take a moment and view the featured videos that speaks volume of the serious humanitarian crisis in hand. As we all know that pictures are worth thousand words and a confirmation of the reality.

Again, the visuals may not be appropriate for all, given the graphic content. The dire situations in these parts of the world beckon the worldwide condemnation and put an end to these atrocities against humanity and bring the perpetrators irrespective of stature to justice as an evidence there is still hope for goodness to prevail in the ever deteriorating immoral world.

Please remember silence is the worst act of crime.

The general debate by the United Nations began early this week with President Barack Obama addressing the General Assembly for the first time since elected to the office of Presidency. The debate continued then onwards with the address by the undemocratically nominated authorities like the Islamic Republic of Iran and The Great Socialist People’s Libya…

The UN Security Council Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was the highlight of the UN session. The objective of this particular conference was aimed at bringing the States that have not yet agreed to or ratified the treaty for the Non-Proliferation Treaty to come into effect.

For the remaining content please refer to

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Media Hypocrisy

By Padmini Arhant

The Sly Fox

Old fables have many animal characters to teach moral lessons to the human species presumed ‘intellectually superior’ than others in the animal kingdom. One of the reasons for such categorization is the apparent ‘discriminative power’ of humans over other living species.

Among many interesting legends, the ‘bushy tail’ Fox has an unparallel reputation to be cunning and conniving in conduct blended with aggression against its targets. The distinctive characteristics is symbolic of the cowardice and malice towards the ‘King of the Jungle,’ the gracious and the Majestic Lion as well as those sharing the general good values.

The Fox portrayed as never affable to the surroundings and constantly engaged in wicked behavior to be the center of the universe.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, September 19, 2009

International Affairs

BY Padmini Arhant

Japan’s General Election

Congratulations! to the DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan) leader, and the recently sworn in Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of Japan.

The DPJ’s landslide victory in the general election held on August 30, 2009 is an auspicious beginning for the land of the rising sun in breaking the long political tradition held with the LDP, the Liberal Democratic Party due to its failure on both the political stability and economic growth.

Japan‘s economic revival is crucial for the global economy and the new administration’s economic...

Remaining available @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Care Bill from the Senate Finance Committee

By Padmini Arhant

According to the latest report from the Associated Press:

Health care bill advances without bipartisan deal -

“After months of bipartisan negotiations, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Finance Committee, told associates during the day he intends to unveil a detailed outline of legislation on Wednesday and convene the panel next week to vote on it.

Baucus’ proposal is certain to shun the liberals’ call for the government to sell insurance, and rely instead on co-ops to offer coverage in competition with private industry. His approach includes a requirement for individuals to buy insurance, with financial penalties for those who don’t. Rather than a mandate for larger businesses to provide coverage for employees, they would be required to defray the cost of any government subsidies their employees would qualify for.”

For Analysis and the remaining report, please refer to:

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Noise Pollution

By Padmini Arhant

The blogpost on the “Aftermath of 9/11 including the global economy and international security’ rescheduled for publication. Meanwhile, the news media and press coverage with incendiary remarks and vitriolic comments by certain entities against the specific target as the ‘truthers’ and the ‘blogger in anonymity’ urgently required to be placed in true perspective.

It’s obvious from the news articles that the preachers do not necessarily practice their doctrine on morality, equality, civility and decency to say the least. While demanding decorum from the victim of gender, race, religion and ethnicity biased attacks, these oligarchs brandishing the swords not to slain the truth tellers but indeed the truth itself.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering the Victims of the September 11, 2001 Tragedy

September 11, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Please standby for the tribute to the brave citizens, the victims of the catastrophic event that changed the world economy and international security. Also remembering the fire fighters and humanitarian workers, the real heroes selflessly offered their life during the rescue operations on the mournful date.

Presented @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Presidential Address to Congress on Health Care Reform

By Padmini Arhant

The President’s address, September 9, 2009 on the Health Care Reform laid out the components to clarify the doubts and confusions surrounding the bill. Despite the vehement opposition from some quarters in their loyalty to the sponsors, the ‘Special Interests’ representing the Health Insurance and the Health Care industry, the President reached out to them to be his ally rather than the adversary.

Please proceed to for the remaining article.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Expansion of Jewish Settlements’ Impact on Mid-East Peace Process

By Padmini Arhant

Israeli authorities’ determination to expand Jewish Settlements in Palestinian West Bank along the borders and on the private Palestinian land as well as the colonization of East Jerusalem is provocative. Besides, it is reflective of the Likud Party hard line policy to disregard the universally applicable International treaty on territorial issues and the will of the Israeli democracy for a viable two state solution necessary to end the half-a-century old conflict.

Remaining @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Capitalism alias Communism

By Padmini Arhant

Throw a treat to the man’s best friend and he/she will do any tricks for you.
Not quite true, contrarily some canines unlike the ‘few’ in their masters’ species resist being the “Pavlov’s dog.” Besides loyalty, the canines’ discriminative power is unparallel to the particular voices on the airwaves and cable news network ever willing to perform on the note – ‘show me the bait and leave the trashing to…’

Lately, with the relevant media on vacation, the field is wide open and vulnerable for dumping wastes of all kind. As usual, the specific network presenting ideas and style taken right out of their targets’ page yet choosing to remain oblivious to 'plagiarism,' do not refrain from permanent attack politics.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, August 31, 2009

Finance Sector and Economic Impact

By Padmini Arhant

When the Bush administration officially recognized the economic recession in late December 2007, the malignant cancer in the financial sector was widespread - originating from gross mismanagement, underhand dealings, some in breach of lenient SEC regulations… a scenario analogous to the health abuse by overindulging individuals submitting to a potentially terminal illness.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nation Bids Farewell to the Hon. Senator Edward M. Kennedy

By Padmini Arhant

The moment has arrived for the nation to acknowledge the final departure of their tireless and long serving representative, Senator Ted Kennedy, the youngest son of America’s beloved family.

Senator Kennedy, the brave survivor of many family tragedies was a true warrior in various aspects. The Senator zealously battled for the large segments of the society on significant issues and health care was the top priority among them. Senator Kennedy delivered the health care speech with sincere emotion and great concern for the neglected groups in our society.

Please refer to for the remaining content.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Remembering the Service of the Honorable. Senator Edward M. Kennedy

By Padmini Arhant

The passing away of Senator Edward Kennedy, one of the longest serving public officials in the United States Senate has created a vacuum in the battlefield for humanitarian cause. Senator Kennedy’s representation on many issues remembered nationwide. Among them, the Senator’s relentless effort to bring equality and justice to the poor and underprivileged in the hallmark healthcare, education and immigration was commendable. There is more reason to pass the public option health care reform as a tribute to the deceased Senator.

Senator Kennedy fought for millions in not only his constituency but also the entire nation with passion and power. The Senator extended his service beyond shorelines in ways to resolve the international conflict such as the Northern Ireland peace process. Senator Kennedy was committed and dedicated in helping citizens of stars and stripes achieve their American dream.

The national recognition of Senator Kennedy as ‘The Lion of the Senate’ personified in the Senator’s role in every legislative matter of great value and importance to all people regardless of socio-economic status.

Senator Ted Kennedy lived up to the reputation of the Kennedy legacy in national service. As a true patriot, the Senator deeply cared and carried out the legislative duties and responsibilities diligently and frequently in a bipartisan manner, a monumental achievement in contemporary politics.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy will be truly missed by the nation, while his service commemorated now and in the future as the member of the iconic Kennedy family and the esteemed United States Senate.

No words can possibly heal the moment of sorrow except time.

Time is the best healer and trusting in the brighter tomorrow ease the pain experienced during the natural events in life.

I convey my heartfelt condolences to the Kennedy family, friends and the entire nation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Due to technical difficulty at the personal end, the delay occurred in posting the message earlier on. Please accept my apologies for the time lapse.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Afghanistan War and Election

By Padmini Arhant

The nation ravaged with decades of wars, terrorism, militant rule and occupation goes to the polls to exercise the basic human right, a privilege in this part of the world , while taken for granted in the U.S.of A as reflected in the health care battle.

Afghanistan known for the ruggedness and terrains with the Khyber Pass enabling invaders to move across the foreign territories in a manner as the ‘no-man’s land’ ignoring the inhabitants scattered around the vast mountainous regions.

Afghan demography is complex and beyond the grasp of understanding for Western powers and even its Central Asian neighbors. The Imperial powers from the British, Russian and now the American & NATO forces have struggled to enforce any form of stability, political or otherwise.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 20, 2009

National Health Care Forum with President Obama

By Padmini Arhant

Despite grueling experiences and horrifying facts from millions of people across the nation, the health care debate bogged down by distortions, lies and deceptive tactics from the representatives of anti-national progress.

Please join President Barack Obama and rescue our nation from the partisan politics and demagoguery that dominates every legislation for national interest.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Reference: San Jose Mercury News, Thursday, August 20, 2009 – Thank you.

Readers’ Letters:

Government Option Needed:

Friday, my son underwent a five-hour surgery to reconstruct his cheekbone after a brutal, unprovoked attack two weeks prior. He has insurance through his university that ends mid-September with no option for COBRA extension. It is the policy of every private insurance company in California to deny coverage for six months following any surgery.

Our son will not have any option to purchase health insurance at any price for five months. He will be in the words of an industry representative, “on his own.”

Most of the anger in today’s health debate seems to result from conjectures about the future based on fear. My anger results from conclusions about the present based on fact.

As a minimum, we need a government option to today’s system.

Tom Martin

Padmini –

Thanks again for signing up to be a part of the OFA National Health Care Forum with President Obama.

The event is today (Thursday, August 20th) at 2:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. CT/12:30 p.m. MT/11:30 a.m. PT.

You can watch the forum live at:

This is an incredible opportunity to huddle with the President and discuss how we’re going to pass real health insurance reform this year. Glad you can make it.

Talk to you very soon,

Mitch StewartDirectorOrganizing for America

P.S. — We need to make sure as many supporters as possible know about this event. Can you spread the word on Facebook or Twitter, or by forwarding this email?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Health Care Resolution - Clarification

By Padmini Arhant

Ever since the health care debate started, the main objective among the visible opponents has been to fictionalize the various contents of the bill. The health care bill principles – costs, quality and affordability extensively discussed per blogpost ‘Health Care Reform’ July 11, 2009 on this website.

Several testimonials by citizens from all walks of life through various mediums confirmed the urgency for health care reform. The partisan politics continues to disparage the millions of people deprived of proper health care during the public discourse.

A sensitive national matter turned into a controversial subject by the special interests’ agents.

The health care bill described as voluminous, inadequate and far-fetched in reference to the government plan or public option. On the other hand, the noise amazingly disappeared with the White House statement on the possible elimination of the government plan from the competition.

Hence, the overview of the health care funding and the actual role of government plan in the health care legislation vital for true perspective.

How is the government health care funded?

Answers @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Health Care Resolution

By Padmini Arhant

Health Care reform without public option is maintaining the status quo.

All those Americans who consider themselves in the human category, with deep love and compassion for themselves and their loved ones must rise against the ‘opposition’ tidal wave and stop this shenanigan now.

This will be just the beginning for the special interests and the political opponents to reign in on the national progress and achieve their dubious plan to continue with the profiteering racket at the expense of all those they consider weak and vulnerable.

America cannot give up on this unique opportunity to do what is right for the millions of people anxiously hoping for their release from the shackles of the Insurance and health care industry that has always prioritized profits over the health of the people.

It’s time to challenge the Health Insurance, Health care industry and their paid agents as this battle has taken an ugly turn for the worst outcome only allowing the partisan politics and demagoguery to prevail against national progress.

More details on the way with questions directed at the mighty industry and their political representatives responsible for the unacceptable showdown in every town hall meeting that simply reflects the anti-American cause smothered in ignorance and recalcitrant behavior.

Please stand by for further presentation shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 13, 2009

People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon

By Padmini Arhant

Profile - The world’s most populous nation, hailed the emerging economic power presumably in control of the U.S. Treasury and the EU Exchequer, world’s third largest country by total area and the second largest by … ranges forming China’s borders with India and Central Asia.

As the longest thriving Communist power, the totalitarian government embraced Capitalism parallel to its political setting with absolute control on policies directly contradictory to the free market system in the rest of the world.

Politically a Communist and economically a Capitalist nation, China is also a venerable member of the United Nations Security Council for reasons unfitting during the most important U.N. Structural formation post World War II. This has resulted in the excessive use of veto power by the authoritarian rule against all things humane and universally beneficial.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reconfiguration of the U.N. Security Council

By Padmini Arhant

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” – simple yet meaningful creation by the renowned American Poet – Robert Lee Frost.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Only if the authorities in power – the corporations and the governments alike, in the contemporary world honor the commitment to their people and prioritize the promise to the general population over personal quest for profit, privilege, prestige and politics,

Perhaps, it might be possible to wipe out the global problems such as poverty, disease and war polluting the planet and restore the deep, dark and lovely woods that once used to be the nature’s paradise.

The past week event involving the release of two American journalists – Laura Ling and Euna Lee through high profile diplomacy aided with the former President Bill Clinton’s visit is a confirmation that communication and dialogue can be effective in resolving international crisis.

For the remaining content, please visit

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Revolt against Health Care Reform Politics

By Padmini Arhant

Here we go again! To quote the former President Ronald Reagan revered by the political faction on the right, as the obstructionists rise against health care reform under the guise of ‘fiscal governance’ with the stagecraft artists as citizens screaming and ranting over the health care policy for all.

Should anyone be surprised about the sources responsible for the spectacle at the town hall meetings?

When the propagandists can’t think for themselves, they often lavishly steal ideas from others and misuse the Gandhian principle of non-violence and peaceful protest discussed earlier for their own diabolical means, despite the action being detrimental to national progress.

Surely, Gandhi will be turning in his grave on the abuse of his noble wisdom…at the narcissistic profiteers in the health care industry using the selective media muscle power drive insanity to no point of return.

Out of sight, out of mind and the opposition goes ballistic to stampede the health care legislation.

The noise and raucous in the public arena instigated by the agents of warfare against welfare of the people in a democracy are leaving no stones unturned for their vile personal agenda i.e. dominate and deploy the destructive forces in health care matter directly related to economic and employment recovery.

Don't miss the remaining content @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Time to replace the conservative propaganda machine with collective progressive action.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Too Good to be True

By Padmini Arhant

Throughout history, human reaction to anything unknown, unfamiliar is to cast a shadow of doubt and skepticism reminiscent of “Jesus archetype.”

Human nature is to probe and draw conclusions based on the personal understanding or the lack thereof regardless of the consequences from such action. In the earlier days, it’s a collective effort usually orchestrated by a prominent individual or a group using affluence to influence the mass conception.

When a Jewish born shepherd descended upon earth to spread the message from the celestial supreme being on the birth of a new religion called Christianity adding diversity to the religious sphere, it created pandemonium across the social and religious helm.

Rest continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Verdict on the Health Care Legislation

By Padmini Arhant

The health care legislation vigorously contested by the opponents of the economic recovery and the unemployment deterrence. Sometimes, it’s easier to deal with the ‘devil’ you know than the ‘devil’ you don’t. The existing health care crisis contributed by the health care and insurance conglomerate’s profit raking strategy fits in with the metaphor.

When the people strive to make it to the top of the slippery slope titled the sensible health care legislation their harnesses are either tampered with or forcibly pulled off by the groups posing as the ‘rescue guards,’ i.e. the representatives in the House and the Senate obligatory to their financiers – the special interests.

In the interim, the ‘so-called’ bipartisanship in the Senate with some prominent legislators and selective House members from both sides of the aisles holding substantial investments in the health care stocks are focused on safeguarding their investments with assurances to the health industry – ‘your wish shall be my command.’

The House and the Senate version presented thus far is directly contradictory to the populist requirement and the President’s initial plan. The shameful tactic in the twentieth century - apart from paralyzing the health care reform, it’s also instrumental for the status quo and they are indicated in the article below.

Deal with 'Blue Dogs' sets up health care vote - Associated Press – 07/29/09

“The House changes, which drew immediate opposition from liberals in the chamber, would reduce the federal subsidies designed to help lower-income families afford insurance, exempt additional businesses from a requirement to offer insurance to their workers and change the terms of a government insurance option.

More problematic from the Democrats' point of view is a tentative agreement to omit a provision in which the government would sell insurance in competition with private industry. In its place, the group is expected to recommend non-profit cooperatives that could operate at the state, regional or even national level.

Nor is any bipartisan recommendation likely to include a requirement for large businesses to offer insurance to their workers. Instead, they would have a choice between offering coverage or paying a portion of any government subsidy that non-insured employees would receive."

What is wrong with the classic ‘pro-industry’ proposal to appease the health care enterprise at every insured and uninsured American taxpayer’s peril?

Firstly, the House bill to reduce the federal subsidies designed to help lower-income families afford insurance, instead of demanding the health care system comprising the AMA, health care providers accepting Medicare and Medicaid, Pharmaceuticals, the hospital industry…and the insurance industry mark-down the preposterous profit margins hidden in the superficially inflated costs driving the economy and every citizen to bankruptcy.

If there is any resistance from the groups in this regard, then taxing the expensive insurance coverage ensuring the tax liability on the industry rather than the end-consumer is absolutely necessary. If it was already agreed to by all negotiators then the measure combined with higher taxes on capital expenditures by the industry should adequately cover the increase in federal subsidies to the economically disadvantaged.

The health industry in their defense might argue that the supply and demand market forces drive the costs in a free market system. In this context, the commonly unknown fact being, the health industry unlike other industries are uniquely advantaged to thrive throughout with excessive demand arising from the myriad of sources causing illnesses to a vast population of which an alarming proportion fall in the ‘unhealthy’ category.

In the absence of robust competition from a government provided affordable health care, the industry giants have the expansive field wide open to themselves with a huge demand as the catalyst for the exorbitant profits in products and services. In addition, the major market-share by the big players lay overcast of monopoly for others to compete effectively with the price factor, notwithstanding the industry protocol on limited choice and coverage of care at disproportionate costs.

The non-profit cooperatives have been recently involved in financial mismanagement as reported in California and severely lack in efficiency, ultimately benefiting the current private care system by default. Therefore, it’s not surprising for the industry groups to lobby for the non-profit cooperatives against the government run program.

The bill doesn’t end there. Ice cream is more delicious when served with toppings.

With respect to the businesses and large corporations exempt from the insurance coverage requirement to their workers and employees, it’s yet another ‘dessert’ moment for the legislators playing gracious hosts to the corporate musketeers.

Obviously, the lawmakers more appropriately the lawbreakers are falling head over heels in their romance with the corporate sponsors by relieving them from the fundamental responsibility to care for their workers and employees with health insurance while leaving the underemployed American workforce to fend for themselves in the profit manifested exclusive private health club.

As for the Blue Dogs, a misnomer to the species iconic for their unflinching loyalty, unequivocally clarify that ‘conservatism’ motto regardless of political factions is to delay, defeat and derail national progress. Clearly, the democratic electorate will be able to overcome the obstacle by replacing the obstructionists with the supportive ones in the 2010 elections.

To summarize, the health care casserole prepared by the House and the Senate in the Congress is palatable to the industry as the primary patrons and the caterer of the special menu. The remaining large starving population having peeked at the menu items forced to fake satisfaction from the aroma of the dish, although meant for the populist but served to win over the mighty health care industrialists.

Seriously, if this health care legislation meant to be a ‘reform’, then the bill must include the public option plan, increased federal subsidies, free health care for the most impoverished and a nondiscretionary business/Corporate health insurance for all workers and employees. Failing that, it would be a band-aid treatment for a widespread chronic ailment in the industry gorging profits at every opportunity and the ‘so-called’ solution will be a cyclical nightmare for the nation attempting its way out of the quick sand economy.

The proposal funded through compromise from the industry with costs reduction equalizing profit contraction proportionate to market sustainability and tax increases suggested in the earlier House Bill itemized per extraordinary income category is the ideal gateway to true 'reform.'

Otherwise, under the present deal the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ not found in Iraq would appropriately apply to the millions dependent on the democratic majority controlling all three branches of the government to do the right by the people.

Because the welfare of the people is paramount for the success of corporations in a capitalist or any other economic systems as people are the consumers and workers alias human capital in the economy. Politically, irrespective of the massive corporate investment earned from the sweat and blood of the workforce, there will be no power without the people’s vote in a democracy.

Again, the health care reform will be truly meaningful and purposeful when the recommended changes addressing the plight of the people are reflected in the lifetime legislative matter.

It’s time for every American to stand up for the rights and claim the authentic universal health coverage favoring them and not the profit oriented health care industry.

Please call your local representatives and the Senators to oblige to your needs and not the special interests. Only you can make it happen this time.

Power is powerless against the will of the people in politics and economics.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Judge Sotomayor’s Confirmation by the Senate Judiciary Committee

By Padmini Arhant

Supreme Court Justice Confirmation by the Senate Judiciary Committee

Heartfelt congratulations! to judge Sonia Sotomayor on her confirmation by the Senate Judiciary Committee to the highest court in the land.

Surviving a grueling confirmation hearing qualifies for a ceremonial victory. Judge Sotomayor exhibited perfection in the process that requires patience, knowledge, and skills to address issues and concerns set forth by the committee...

Continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mobilize America on Health Care Reform

By Padmini Arhant

Given the partisanship in Washington, the special interests and their representatives in the legislature along with the repugnant network, are emboldened more than ever to kill the health care reform simply because they are deluded in their employment security with a premium health care and a handsome reward from the industries hiring them to stomp the process.

This whole hysteria about the government incapable of handling anything right is nothing but a calculated propaganda by the health care conglomerate reluctant to part with the thriving profiteering racket within the industry.

Who is actually responsible for the current economic mess, worsening unemployment, environmental deterioration and fluctuating energy crisis?

Rest continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, July 23, 2009

National Unemployment and the Economic Status

By Padmini Arhant

The ravenous economy has absorbed about $3.7 trillion dollars via bailouts and stimulus plans, (please refer to individual stimulus package topics for breakdown) yet the nation’s jobless rate rising like a tidal wave rather than settling along the shores. Several arguments mounting regarding the precarious job situation across the nation with some fifteen states like California, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and others experiencing double digit in job losses accumulated over a period of time.

Not surprisingly, criticisms with an ominous prediction such as a possible return of the ‘Great Depression’ from various political and economic factions pouring against the current administration’s level of action and apparent inaction in averting the precipitous decline of the job market...

Please check out the related topics Economic Bailouts on an Unprecedented Scale, Bush Bailout Packages and Obama Bailout Packages with more on the way.

Further riveting details and visuals @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, July 19, 2009

U.S. Relations with India

By Padmini Arhant

The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s visit to the Indian sub-continent is a topic to discuss in different context. It’s obvious that the United States engagement in Afghanistan tied with the success of the Zardari-Gilani government presumably involved in eliminating the mayhem in the northwestern region by the Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces after substantial autonomy from the less credible previous military rule of the President Pervez Musharraf.

Despite the severe domestic economic crisis, the continuation of U.S. financial and military aid to Pakistan is an enormous investment of U.S. trust and resources in the nuclear Pakistan.

More information @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Catalog of Past week Events

July 19, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Honoring the News Media Legend – Walter Cronkite

The demise of America’s veteran newscaster/anchor and honorable Walter Cronkite created more vacuum in the news media as it did in the past year following the premature passing away of notable, honest and outspoken media host Tim Russert.

Indeed, times have changed with the world’s rapid progress in every imaginable field particularly the communications and mass media. Individuals’ performance varies according to their background and persona. Some captivate the listeners and viewers instantaneously with their unique charm and original style of presentation while others adapt to the contemporary environment.

Remaining @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Saving Grace – California Fiscal Crisis

By Padmini Arhant

The beautiful Golden State pawned over obstinate leadership and legislature in Sacramento. If the minority representatives and the head of the state confined to their political dictum and ideology, the majority on their part let the myopic view of the state of affairs undermine the social challenges confronting the constituents.

There were too many opportunities aided with pragmatic solutions to resolve the ever-rising budget shortfall (previously at $24.3 billion and now increased to $26.3 billion deficit) without draconian cuts targeting the weak and the most vulnerable in the society...

Rest follows @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Health Care Reform

By Padmini Arhant

The U.S. Senate is reviewing the components of the much-required health care reform bill. Obviously, the free market profiteers represented by the Insurance industry, hospitals, healthcare providers, Pharmaceutical companies and the entire enterprise strongly lobbying against the public option involving federal health care. Simultaneously, a tentative agreement by the hospitals and health care providers to reduce Medicare and Medicaid costs by $155 billion over a decade has been subject to immense speculation.

The opposition minority along with the cynics and the skeptics are vigorously contesting the legislation on the pretext – ‘tax’ and ‘fiscal responsibility’, an all time favorite issue...

More Details and Visuals @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, July 6, 2009

U.S. Foreign Policy in the 20th and 21st Century

By Padmini Arhant

The United States foreign policy in the twentieth and twenty first century viewed by allies and adversaries differently depending upon the U.S. engagement viz. modus operandi in the conflicts of the affected regions.

Throughout the twentieth century, the United States direct and indirect dominant role brought peace and chaos to the world order, ominously the Cuban crisis and the infamous Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos war combined with constant interventions in the Korean Peninsula, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa as well as South and South East Asia...

Remaining article @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, June 29, 2009

Honduran Crisis

By Padmini Arhant

The military coup’s pre-emptive action in the overthrow of the democratically elected President
Manuel Zelaya allegedly tampering with the state constitution in an effort to extend his government rule attracted worldwide condemnation demanding the reinstatement of the ousted President to restore peace and order in the nation...

Rest of the article @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The People's Republic of Iran Under Siege

By Padmini Arhant

It’s been well over two weeks since the fraudulent election in the Iranian Republic and subsequently the nation is under siege by the hard line clerics exerting authoritarian rule - vowing to crush its’ own people for their dissent against corruption and totalitarianism.

The threats from the puppet nominee Mahmoud Ahmadinejad echoed by the theocracy subjecting sacred Islam to disgrace through oppression of the peaceful demonstrators, is nothing but a group of enraged power hungry dictators in self denial of the verdict – their end, the demise of tyranny once and for all...

More @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tribute to Talent in the Entertainment Industry

By Padmini Arhant

The passing of lives is a normal course and experienced by all living species.

Whenever there is a loss of life, it impacts all those related to the individual and living being. No healing words can console the grief and sorrow of those mourning except time.

The present week has been unfortunate for the entertainment industry with the demise of great many talents like the Television Host and Comedian Ed McMahon followed by the premature deaths of actor Farah Fawcett and now Michael Jackson popularly known as “The King of Pop Culture.”

Although, every one of the above mentioned entertainers own a legacy in their professional career,
Mr. Jackson’s extraordinary talent as a musician and an exceptional choreographer deserve praise and appreciation...

Remaining @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

National Health Care Day of Service

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:43 PM, First Lady Michelle Obama wrote:

Padmini –

National and community service has been a cornerstone of my life, as I know it has been for many Americans. And with the daily struggles now confronting so many families, it’s especially important for us to reach out to one another and offer a helping hand...


On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Padmini Arhant wrote:

Dear Michelle,

National Health Care Day of Service organized through ‘United We Serve’ initiated by the Corporation for National and Community Service is indeed a great occasion for every American to get involved in raising awareness as well as being part of the solutions to the national crisis – the citizens’ health.

The concept – ‘Health is Wealth’ should not even be a debate leave alone a contentious issue on the ‘Hill’ right now with the weak, fragile and the physically ailing population across the socio-economic strata desperately requiring healing to the prolonged pain and suffering endured by millions every hour...

More details @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Iranian Crisis - Blasphemy of Sacred Islam and Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

By Padmini Arhant

The categorical defiance by the theocratic ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the puppet nominee Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the clerics, the Guardian Coucil, The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the Basij and the entire regimen behind the ruthless authoritarian regime is blasphemous of the sacred religion – Islam, they falsely represent in the Iranian Republic.

More @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, June 22, 2009

Iranian Dissent - Armageddon

By Padmini Arhant

The peaceful protest by the oppressed Iranian population continues in Tehran for the second week since the June 12, election results declaring the President Nominee Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the winner by the theocratic ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Uprising and revolution generally prompted by severe repression leading the population to the breaking point, particularly in the economic aspect depriving the youth, women and the minorities from realizing their hopes and dreams in life. The socio-economic environment throughout the Middle East until date is due for an exposure and analysis...

More @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant