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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Extending Unemployment Benefits – House Bill Failed By Three Votes

By Padmini Arhant

Less than an hour ago, the House of Representatives’ concerted effort to revive the bill extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people representing the stars and stripes fell short by three votes in the two third majority requirement.

Yea – 261 votes. Democrats – 231 and Republican – 30.

Nay – 155 votes. Democrats – 15 and Republican – 139

Not clear on the remaining single nay vote.

Despite the citizens’ plea to Congress members to pass the bill through bipartisanship,

By revealing their deteriorating economic situation due to the weak job market, severe recession and the unemployment benefits expiration,

The ‘Nay’ Sayers on both sides rejected the public plight to allow politics prevail over people’s life.

Legislation failing by three votes that could have salvaged millions from becoming homeless is a tragedy and a sad day for democracy.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, June 28, 2010

Remembering Senator Robert Byrd – Democrat Senator, West Virginia

By Padmini Arhant

Today, the United States Senate and the nation lost a longest serving Senator and the member in congressional history.

Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd, a Democrat from the state of West Virginia, political career span from January 2, 1959 – June 28, 2010.

Reflecting on the record, the Senator had previously struggled to keep pace with the changing events in the society.

Nevertheless, towards the end there appears to be some reconciliation with the erroneous decisions the Senator had made during his term in office.

No human being is infallible. Those who recognize the missed opportunities to contribute to positive changes and later do it right are honorable.

Remaining content

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Citizens Plea to the Senators on Jobless benefits and Health Bill

By Padmini Arhant

The unemployed citizens have presented their desperate situation with the hope of getting some help.

It’s not always easy to be open and upfront to the world about one’s life.

It requires honesty. Honesty demands courage.

The citizens’ message has adequate reasons and highly inspirational, apparently a prerequisite in approaching the elected officials for their votes on life and death matter such as jobs and health related bills.

A lawmaker’s constitutional duty to serve the citizens at all times more so during desperate hour is portrayed as a favor or mercy towards their subjects by the authorities and certain news media.

If these messages do not change the ‘Nay’ votes to ‘Yea,’ votes, then ‘compassion,’ and ‘righteousness’ have lost their meaning.

Meanwhile, anyone who could assist these citizens to cope with the difficult circumstances would be not only saving lives but also providing the nation with additional taxpayers through their employment.

Your kindness is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Please read the message from the citizens pleading for survival means. Thanks again.


Thank you.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

G-8 and G-20, 2010 Summit – Toronto, Canada

By Padmini Arhant

A warm welcome to the world leaders attending the back to back G-8 and G-20, 2010 summit in Toronto, Canada.

The G-8 summit held on Friday, June 25, 2010 appeared to focus on the common economic issues such as financial regulations, deficit reduction and economic aid to disadvantaged countries on the financial side.

International peace and security – the leaders’ discussions are expansive from Iran’s controversial nuclear program, disarmament of North Korea, war in Afghanistan, Pakistan including the tensions in the Middle East.

Also in the agenda is the African leaders outreach on economic progress.

Social issues are related to protecting women’s health viz. maternal well being and infant growth in the regions lacking in antenatal care.

It’s important to begin with the financial sector and the economy for this topic.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, June 25, 2010

Urgent Medicaid Support Required for People with Disabilities

By Padmini Arhant

The organization dedicated to helping children with disabilities made the following plea and requested the U.S. Senators from both sides of the aisle to consider reviving the bill and approve the federal Medicaid funding to the states.

One cannot ignore the urgency on this important measure.

Hopefully the GOP Senators would heed to the call for assistance from the most vulnerable members in the society, the children and pass the legislation on humanitarian grounds, if not as a constitutional responsibility.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Fri, June 25, 2010 12:34:38 PM
URGENT: Tell your Senators to do the right thing

From: “Katy Beh Neas, Easter Seals”

Easter Seals: Creating life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn work and play.

Dear Padmini,

Vital health care services for people with disabilities are at stake.

Urge your Senators to do the right thing for people with disabilities by passing the Medicaid funding extension.

Last night, the Senate was just three votes short of passing critical Medicaid support for people with disabilities.


Thank you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why Senate must act immediately on the Unemployment Benefit Extension?

By Padmini Arhant

From: An Unemployed Mother in her comment to the earlier published article :

“Senate Block Vote on Unemployment Benefits Extension and Delay Medicare Reimbursements,”

unemployedmother: 2010/06/23 at 7:16 PM:

“You are missing one key point. The longer the senate waits to vote on this, the more people, including myself and my two sons, will have been made homeless because we cannot pay the rent. I have no money, my phone was cut off due to unpaid bill, my electricity will be next, but that doesn’t matter, I will have no home. Without a home, how are we supposed to vote…for we will have no known address.”

Moment of Reflection: By Padmini Arhant

To the Republican Senators and others stalling the legislation:

How many more victims must come forward pleading for help?

How long must they endure the political stalemate, ultimately affecting the suffering population?


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Senate Block Vote on Unemployment Benefits Extension and Delay Medicare Reimbursements

By Padmini Arhant

In the past week, the United States Senate was presented with the two most important bills directly affecting the survival of the average Americans.

According to the reports, the GOP rejected the $24 billion aid to the long-term unemployed citizens in the cash-strapped state governments and the several tax breaks renewal for businesses and individuals.

Apparently, the 56-40 vote on June 17, 2010 fell short of four votes to avoid GOP filibuster. Without any Republican votes for the measure, the Nebraskan Democrat Senator Ben Nelson along with the Connecticut Independent Senator Joe Lieberman contributed to the filibuster.

Today, the Ohio Senators’ repeat attempt to revive the bill by emphasizing on the urgency of this extension remained unsuccessful.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father’s Day!

By Padmini Arhant

On June 20, 2010, it was Father’s day, an opportunity to display gratitude to the other parent or caregiver in a family, the father.

An occasion such as this is a reminder to the loved ones to spare some time from their routine and reflect on the important aspects of the relationship with their father.

The experience with their parents or the surrogates may not necessarily be the same.

In fact, it differs within a family. Some daughters have a special bond with their father and the sons with their mother or the other way around.

Gender complements one another in a relationship. What one is lacking could be derived from another.

Alternatively, the combined qualities could further enhance the prospects for a successful partnership in general or professional life.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Justice Denied – Foul Play Victim – Personal Setback

By Padmini Arhant

I bear the ‘Almighty God,’ witness to the topic presentation.

Recently, there was a personal setback with a small claims complaint filed by a former tenant, who falsely stated not having received the rental security deposit on the rental property for the period May 2008 through July 2009.

The tenant and his spouse - Timothy Brook and Lucy Brook, had newly arrived from the United Kingdom with no credit history in the United States and leased the referenced property in the claim along with a commitment to purchase their own home at the end of the twelve-month period. Accordingly, it was unanimously agreed at that time to assess the individual status on both sides in a year.

During that period, all requests for any repairs were attended with new replacements under their supervision and utmost satisfaction, including the regular light bulbs changed six months after them settling in the house.

Further, a written consensus was reached to resolve any disputes by an arbitrator rather than lawsuits through attorneys or small claims court system and aim for amicable settlement avoiding litigation costs for both parties.

Unfortunately, this agreement was breached by the tenants who hired an attorney after their voluntary decision to vacate the property, despite my email request on June 3, 2009 about lease renewal for which there was no response.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kyrgyzstan – Ethnic Cleansing

By Padmini Arhant

The Central Asian nation, Kyrgyzstan bordering Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and China is home to 5.2 million ethnically diverse population with the Kyrgyz being the majority followed by the Uzbeks and other distinct groups in the society.

Recent ethnic violence where an estimated 400,000 is reportedly displaced having fled their homes with the Uzbek men, women and children targeted primarily between the two communities in the clashes that erupted from a political unrest back in April 2010.

Reflecting on the events then, the economic crisis and the energy prices combined with political corruption contributed to the massive public protest initially centered at the nation’s capital, Bishkek. It seemingly became widespread with casualties rising among the protesters and the riot police.

President Kurmanbek Bakiyev’s crackdown on independent news network, print press and websites information about the former administration’s alleged corruption scandal had angered the people and created more tension.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Industrial and Environmental Disaster Victims Compensation

By Padmini Arhant

There appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel for the victims of the worst industrial and environmental disaster.

The energy company, BP’s agreement to compensate monetarily with $20 billion over three-year period for the Gulf Coast oil spill impact is a fair beginning.

It’s been set up without a cap and to be monitored by an independent administrator previously appointed to oversee the 9/11 families’ relief fund.

In fact, the urgency lies with the company’s daunting task to stop the gushing oil completely, otherwise ‘plug the hole.’

President Barack Obama’s initiative deserves credit for it enabled BP’s decision.

Now, it’s imperative not to proceed in the direction that has inherent risks with unsustainable loss of life and income to the communities along the coastal regions.

Abandoning offshore drilling in deep and shallow water is the ideal solution to prevent economic and environmental costs.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Worst Industrial Catastrophe – Union Carbide / Dow Chemicals and Bhopal Victims of India

By Padmini Arhant

On June 7, 2010, the verdict on the worst industrial gas leak in 1984, Bhopal, India was delivered by the state’s local court.

According to the several reports:

The ruling convicted the seven officials in senior management along with the employees of the former Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL), the then subsidiary of the Union Carbide, USA with CEO Warren Anderson at that time.

Conviction included two years jail sentence and Rupees 100,000($2,100, €1,800) in fine.

Understandably, the judgment aroused sentiments among the victims’ devastated families and the survivors.

The NGO’s and other organizations representing the victims welcomed the long awaited process brought to national and international attention after pursuing the legal course for more than twenty five years.

However, they expressed huge disappointment in the limited sentencing and the exemption to the then Parent Company, Union Carbide CEO Warren Anderson.

India’s request for the CEO’s extradition to face trial was rejected in June 2004 by the United States.

Mr. Warren Anderson was the CEO of Union Carbide U.S.A during the industrial disaster in 1984 and served the corporation until 1986.

Subsequently, Union Carbide in their statement delineated themselves from the gross industrial negligence that claimed scores of lives and continue to affect more, the living and the yet to be born evidenced in the birth defects as well as other illnesses diagnosed thus far.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, June 7, 2010

Environmental Disaster – Gulf Coast Oil Spill

By Padmini Arhant

Ever since the explosion at the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that initially claimed 11 lives, the avalanche of unmitigated losses has become the reality.

It is evident in the oil dripping Pelicans, dolphins and lifeless birds alongside the economically devastated fishermen, tourist industry and restaurateurs.

Approximately 1.6 million gallons of oil reportedly gushed from the spill that is yet to be completely contained.

Meanwhile, it has evolved into the economic and environmental disaster for the entire Gulf Coast threatening the inhabitants in the adjacent regions with oil plumes traced as farther in Florida.

Further, the BP oil company liable for the calamity has maintained that it could take until August 2010 to stop the leak in the face of extensive damages to the states near the Gulf Coast.

During the congressional hearing on the major environmental catastrophe, it was clear the BP executives including the federal regulators responsible for monitoring the risks failed in their assessment of the pervasive repercussions from the oceanic accident prior to issuing permits.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Freedom Flotilla Crisis - Exacerbating Israeli Palestinian Peace Process

By Padmini Arhant

Israel is in spotlight for the recent intervention of the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara originally scheduled to deliver humanitarian aid directly to the beleaguered Palestinian population in Gaza.

According to the worldwide reports, the Israeli Navy commandos stormed the ‘Freedom Flotilla,’ that was carrying humanitarian essentials like medical supplies, equipments, children’s toys other than cement and building materials on board to help the Gazans rebuild the enclave that has been under siege in the ongoing Israeli Palestinian conflict.

As a result, per IBA – Israel Broadcast Authority at least 15 international activists on the Turkish cruise liner have died and several including around seven Israeli soldiers are wounded from the skirmish,

That prompted the U.N. Security Council to convene an emergency session to express concern and regrets over the loss of lives in the clash between the Israeli forces and the Pro-Palestinian activists.

Israel’s blockade on Gaza subsequent to the 2008 Gaza invasion is claimed by Israel as a territorial trade embargo to weaken the Palestinian authority, Hamas and prohibit conventional weapons importation into Gaza from Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria.

While Israel has adopted these measures to deter the possible arms shipment from its adversaries in the region, the joint display by Israel and its strongest ally, U.S. on October 22, 2009,

Titled –“Juniper Cobra 2009 – Reports stated that:


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant