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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why Senate must act immediately on the Unemployment Benefit Extension?

By Padmini Arhant

From: An Unemployed Mother in her comment to the earlier published article :

“Senate Block Vote on Unemployment Benefits Extension and Delay Medicare Reimbursements,”

unemployedmother: 2010/06/23 at 7:16 PM:

“You are missing one key point. The longer the senate waits to vote on this, the more people, including myself and my two sons, will have been made homeless because we cannot pay the rent. I have no money, my phone was cut off due to unpaid bill, my electricity will be next, but that doesn’t matter, I will have no home. Without a home, how are we supposed to vote…for we will have no known address.”

Moment of Reflection: By Padmini Arhant

To the Republican Senators and others stalling the legislation:

How many more victims must come forward pleading for help?

How long must they endure the political stalemate, ultimately affecting the suffering population?


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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