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Monday, December 27, 2010

U.S. Special Olympics Athletes Need Your Kind Support

By Padmini Arhant

Our Special Olympics athletes are all prepared and ready to compete in the forthcoming Winter Olympics in 2011.

However, the continuous advanced training would enhance the opportunity for them to claim victory in the international event.

For many of these athletes, it is a lifetime dream to prevail with indelible mark that will tear down barriers in human ability to succeed against the odds confronting them.

The phenomenal trend thus far has been made possible by great humanitarian organizations helping individuals from all walks of life to display their talent with pride despite the arduous journey in reaching the milestone.

Among them the Special Olympics organization committed to promoting human spirit through international sports deserves praise and admiration for the relentless work towards the honorable humanitarian service.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Celebrating the birth of Jesus – the Prophet and Savior

By Padmini Arhant

Today the world celebrates the birth of a star that illumined the sky upon descending on earth.

Lord Jesus represented the kingdom of God and sent with love to serve humanity.

The humble preacher touched many hearts and minds with his message about compassion, peace and respect for one another.

Jesus exemplified gospel through indomitable service and sacrifice to uplift human spirit.

Lord Jesus is the glory of God.

The great saint approached the willing and the reluctant members in the society to lead them towards the righteous path as the only trail to salvation.

Lord Jesus was confronted with strong opposition among those resolute in their convictions about the noble messiah.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, December 24, 2010

9/11 Health Care Act HR 847 Legislative Victory

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and other respectable members on the successful legislation of the health care act to help the 9/11 rescue workers.

The action was long overdue and nonetheless the bipartisan approval is praiseworthy.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi leadership and the House representatives’ outstanding contribution in various legislation deserve appreciation.

Similarly, the Congressional members are requested on behalf of the ‘DREAM ACT’ beneficiaries to kindly recognize their plight and enable them in achieving the American dream – freedom, economic and social progress.

Please provide them the opportunity to defend and serve the great nation they call ‘home’ as Americans with your final vote upon returning from the holidays i.e. by the end of 111th Congress.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

U.S. and Russia New START Treaty Ratified by the Senate

By Padmini Arhant

The New START Treaty – The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that was signed by President Barack Obama and President Dmitry Medvedev on April 8, 2010 was approved with 71-26 votes by the United States Senate.

New START Treaty between the two largest nuclear states – United States and Russia ratification replaces the original START Treaty signed in 1991 that expired on December 5, 2009.

The importance of containing the nuclear proliferation and strategic offensive arms is no longer an option but an immediate requirement in the highly volatile global environment increasingly posing greater risks without checks and balances in the critical nuclear and conventional arsenal stockpiles.

It was elaborated on this website when the related article titled – “U.S. and Russia Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty” was published on March 27, 2010 under National and Global Security in the Politics category.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, December 20, 2010

DREAM ACT – Development, Relief & Education of Alien Minors

By Padmini Arhant

United States is effectively United Nations in diversity with myriad of cultures, race, religion… co-existing despite varied characteristics.

In fact this particular feature about United States is emulated in other parts of the world deriving economic and social benefits from immigrant population with assorted skills.

Poignantly the United States status quo would be different had the pilgrims been denied entry and forced to return to their land of origin.

The DREAM ACT is a bipartisan bill introduced by Assistant Senate Majority Leader Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) to address the key issues confronting the United States – border security and availing the talent of American Minors born overseas through the path to resident status legalization.

Border security is a bipartisan goal to restrict drugs and arms trade including the contentious illegal crossing. This being part of the bill the legislation failure by 55 – 41 votes on December 18, 2010 in the Senate is intriguing.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Acknowledgment on the United States Congress Repeal of DADT

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To Gay and Lesbian Armed personnel serving in the United States Defense force on the historic legislation passed to end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell discriminatory policy.

The honorable Congress members in the House and the Senate, the military high command and the activists’ passionate plea led to the landmark achievement allowing gay service men and women to openly serve in the United States military.

The legislation repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy is acknowledged with profound gratitude.

The distinguished Congress members, President Barack Obama and the United States Defense Force – Thank you for enacting the commendable act.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, December 12, 2010

COP 16/CMP 6 UN Climate Change Conference Cancun 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The two week conference from November 29 to December 10, 2010 on climate change strived to approach the global environmental challenge by adopting UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and Kyoto treaty mandating the carbon emission reduction below 2 degrees Celsius or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit in addition to COP15 Copenhagen proposals such as -

Industrialized nations $100 billion pledge by 2020 towards financial assistance to the poorer nations in combating environment disasters.

The Green Climate Fund for technological aid and forest preservation appear to have been recognized leading to a consensus among the negotiators.

Although the fund sources and management details have not been presented as yet, the preliminary step to provide economic relief to poor and developing nations is a positive measure.

The debate arising from the once contentious issue is – expediting funding and setting the eligibility criteria due to the demand from many nations seeking financial help under ‘vulnerable’ category that could potentially deprive the precarious recipients from qualifying for adequate benefits.

Hence it is essential to arrive at a conclusion on the specific content and fund allocation to the qualifiers in desperate situation as part of the post-Cancun agreement.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bush Tax Cuts, Unemployment Benefits and National Deficit

By Padmini Arhant

The 111th Congress with Democrats still in control of the House and Senate is challenged by the White House capitulation to the Republican unsustainable deal on Bush tax cuts.

Fortunately the House passed the bill per initial democratic plan - allowing tax cuts to the wealthy expire and granting permanent tax cuts to the families with income $250,000 and below.

There are different proposals from the majority and the minority in Congress.

Republican members unanimously dedicated to the top 2% wealthy Americans getting wealthier at the rest of America’s expense pushed tax cuts extension for the multimillionaires while disregarding their irresponsible claim’s devastating impact on the ballooning deficit – the primary political slogan that enabled Republican victory in the recent mid-term election.

Unlike the Republican minority, the Democrat majority are divided on this issue.

The Senate Democrats have laid few options – Some favor the House version which is the initial Democratic strategy outlined above. It is unequivocally a pragmatic solution to the status quo.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Padmini Arhant

Today is a special day to thank the people for their love, compassion and actions that positively impact the recipient’s life.

In this respect the nation ought to thank the brave men and women in harm’s way for their sacrifices in many different ways most importantly their precious life.

Within the community there are many benevolent individuals dedicating their time and resources for others welfare. They deserve the beneficiaries’ acknowledgment.

Then the family unit - the relationship is strengthened with genuine care, affection and understanding for each other unconditionally reciprocated in a subtle or profound manner.

Politically, the elected officials at the state and national legislature possess the power and responsibility to deliver the campaign promise and improve citizens’ life as an expression of their gratitude to the electorate electing them to office.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Political Irony in Republican Congress Victory

By Padmini Arhant

Bush Tax cuts Expiration and Preserving Social Security – The Republican members’ opposition to this issue is no surprise considering the campaign financing received during the November 2010 election.

However, should the consequences be the struggling majority bear the burden of the privilege to the top 1% in the society?

The earlier proposal offering permanent tax reduction to middle income families earning $250,000 or less and subjecting those earning more to the progressive tax structure on the residual income adequately meets the requirements in income distribution and deriving national revenue that could perhaps be applied to deficit reduction.

In fact, by passing the above prudent measure the Congressional members would be relieving the tax payers across the board from excess taxation and allow voluntary economic stimulus through consumer spending.

The Republican members’ gridlock in this legislation would derail the needful tax breaks to all deserving taxpayers in the tough economic times.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, November 14, 2010

G-20 Seoul Summit 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The G-20 Summit was held in Seoul, South Korea on November 11 - 12, 2010.

Among many important economic issues, the trade imbalances and currency devaluation had drawn the representatives’ attention.

The two leading economies - U.S. and China expressed concerns over the respective trade surpluses and deficits attributed to currency management.

Likewise, the U.S. Federal Reserve proposal to interject $600 billion for economic revival expected to weaken the U.S. dollar while strengthening exports was met with resistance from competing trade partners such as China, Germany, United Kingdom, Brazil…citing the undue advantages to U.S. in the overseas export market.

It is well known that China has benefited from maintaining renminbi under market value boosting its trade to different nations especially the United States due to MFN and the primary creditor status.

Accordingly, China’s trade surplus would be different when evaluated in real market conditions.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day – Remembering the War Victims and the Armed Forces Sacrifice

By Padmini Arhant

On this important day we remember the brave hearts who volunteered to sacrifice their precious life for their nation and humanity at large.

The cherished freedom would not be possible without the selfless dedication of the young men and women in uniform who willfully pledge their service for national and global security.

However, war should never be an option against peace and diplomacy. The simultaneous wars in different parts of the world today have claimed many innocent lives including casualties suffered by the duty bound armed forces in the battle grounds.

It has resulted in enormous pain, grief and agony for the victims’ families all around.

Besides, the economic liability from the relentless wars is exacerbating the national deficit for the U.S and the global economy.

Only if the funds were instead invested in social and economic development the terror recruitment would substantially decline allowing peace to dawn on the war torn regions.

Although many are reminiscent of the victories in the past and argue about the necessity to go to war for territorial conquest or in eliminating authoritarian rule,

They also forget that independence, civil rights and many humanitarian goals were achieved through peace and non-violence by the venerable leaders.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iran Nuclear Program – U.S. NATO & Israel Military Strike - An Apocalyptic Mission

By Padmini Arhant

Nuclear proliferation is a global challenge in the twenty first century. The nuclear states hierarchy has contributed to non-cooperation in ratifying Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

The explicit nuclear threats exemplified by the prominent nuclear nations are largely responsible for the prolific nuclear quest.

Since the nuclear nations share equal responsibility in adherence to non-proliferation, the lack of fairness in the nuclear capability verification and the absence of universal treatment is the deterrent factor for the non-compliance among certain nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states.

Further, the ‘peaceful purpose’ concept through civilian program is a convenient avenue for some nations to advance their nuclear weaponization ignoring the inevitable serious ramifications.

Iran seeking nuclear status under such premise is a legitimate concern among the international community. Besides, Iran’s nuclear ambition could be detrimental for national and regional security.

In the increasingly insecure global environment, the nuclear threat is a potential cause for preemptive strikes and the opportunity readily available upon the Iranian nuclear weapon development.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, November 8, 2010

India and Pakistan Relations – Peace in the Indian Sub-Continent

By Padmini Arhant

In the last couple of days there have been many perspectives about India - predominantly expressing regrets, concerns and subliminal to scathing attacks for not embracing Gandhian principles in austerity and non-violence.

The specific reference was made against the rising Indian middle class and purported the Indian leaderships’ aspirations to be the leading economic and military power in the region.

The criticisms were largely directed at the hypothetical Indian Cold Talk and the alleged defense disposition presumably contributing to the nuclear neighbor Pakistan’s reluctance to withdraw troops from the Indian border for redeployment in the northwestern Pakistani territory to fight against the militancy.

Simultaneous statements supporting the critical assertions were issued by the U.S. military high command and the Pakistan-Afghanistan special envoy characterizing the non-existent Cold Talk as;

“A major threat undermining the US war in Afghanistan.”

These bizarre allegations deserve attention to dispel myths and widespread rumors intended to serve the divisive foreign policies facilitating relentless war and the arms race in the volatile region.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mexico Massacre – Drug Warfare and Arms Trade

By Padmini Arhant

Mexico has been terrorized by the drug cartels with the civilian massacre rising by the day.

The drug warfare is taking toll on the innocent lives and draining the national economy.

The drug gangs target is not limited to the local population. As mentioned earlier the brutal killings of 72 migrant workers in late August at Tamaulipas state near the US border shocked the nation and escalated crossfire between the perpetrators and the security force.

Among the drug networks, the Zetas are considered the most notorious and ruthless having claimed responsibility for many gruesome atrocities across the country. They are also dreaded for the indiscriminate violence against the vulnerable population.

The Zetas are characterized as the renegade cartel wreaking havoc across the nation right now.

Their reputation in inflicting carnage and destruction ranks high in comparison to the splinter groups held responsible for similar crimes.

The Zetas have aroused interest and scrutiny leading to a new revelation.

According to the latest reports – the founders of the Zetas were extraordinaire Mexican troops and acquired training in the early 1990’s from Americas 7th Special Forces Group, also known as “snake eaters” at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ecuador Failed Coup d’état – September 30, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On September 30, 2010, yet another Latin American nation was targeted with a coup attempt by the police forces apparently not acting alone in the calculated operation fortunately resulting in a massive failure due to the brave civil society mobilization and the Ecuadorian security personnel prompt action.

Unlike the successful Honduran coup in June 2009 with the democratically elected leader Manuel Zelaya deposed against the republic will evidently involving Washington coup consultants and their liaison,

The Ecuadorian mission was a renewed political assault on its sovereignty testing the democratic strength that conveyed a defiant message to the perpetrators not to underestimate the people power.

According to the reports – the law on the spending cuts was falsely propagated as having direct impact on the police officers’ bonuses and job benefits despite no pay or perquisite reductions providing a pretext for the conspirators to instigate uprising in the capital city, Quito and the Guayquil harbor town.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

France Austerity through Pension Reform Bill

By Padmini Arhant

The French Senate passed the Pension Reform bill with 177-153 votes by adopting the single vote rule under the constitutional special provision.

The Senate bypassed the regular legislative process to avoid the U.S. equivalent filibuster reportedly rejecting a significant proportion of the 1000 amendments presented by the concerned elected representatives in the opposition.

Ever since the French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared the Pension Reform extending the retirement and full pension qualifying age from 60 to 62 and 65 to 67 respectively, the French labor force have carried out demonstrations in protest of the controversial bill.

The workers’ justified objection to the bill arise from the inherent financial burden upon them to fund the retirees’ pension, besides the anecdotal resolution resulting in the pension system default to deficit in 2018.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, October 25, 2010

Independent Palestine – End to Israeli Occupation and Jewish Settlements

By Padmini Arhant

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process had tremendous potential for development and the recent impasse is primarily due to the lack of political will in leading the authorities to the desirable outcome.

Although the moratorium expiry on settlement expansion has contributed to the friction with the building permit issued for an estimated 534 homes in the Palestinian territory - West Bank, the United States less enthusiastic efforts to dissuade the controversial incursion predominantly derailed the progress.

Lately, the legitimate questions were raised through the panel on Israeli-Palestinian peace process:


Sara Roy, Senior Research Scholar – Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies - Thank you.

In the continued absence of a political resolution to the conflict,

1. Why must occupation be the default position?

Response - Occupation will no longer be the default position. The Israeli authorities are being misguided by the real forces behind the Middle-Eastern quagmire.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, October 16, 2010

XIX Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 – Farewell Ceremony

By Padmini Arhant

The XIX Commonwealth Games in Delhi concluded this week with a grand closing ceremony.

Congratulations! To the Commonwealth Nations athletes for their victory in various sports.

Every one of them has tremendous skills in the relevant activity and the permeating exuberance added confidence among the contestants.

Hats off! To the Indian Athletes for their superb performance despite the critics’ dismal forecast at the CWG onset.

Besides maintaining the sports spirit your zeal to deal with the challenges every step of the way was admirable.

The rural India athletes especially the Northern State of Haryana were the superstars in the Indian team,

Considering the lack of opportunities and facilities available to them as compared to the urban sportsmen and women.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Freedom Struggle – People vs. Power in the New World Order

By Padmini Arhant

Evidently, the facts in every respect confirm that the nation is heading in the wrong direction.

The NWO chartered by the secret society elite members has grave consequences.

It is exacerbated by their unwillingness to confront the people on the illogic strategies behind relentless warfare, sinking economy, alarming national debt, rising health care costs, cataclysmic energy undertakings and importantly - gross violation of the constitution in every possible civil and human rights issue.

When the incumbent administration launched the Presidential campaign in 2007, the core message was about the country and the world in need of a dramatic Change with tremendous Hope raised on the campaign trail.

The message for most part of the campaign resonated the impending Change and delineated from the opponents as them being –

More of the Same citing the Bush-Cheney administrations’ disastrous course on war, economy, environment and utter disregard for the constitution.

Although the Bush-Cheney record is unique in aimlessly leading the nation and the world on wild adventures causing immeasurable misery all around,

The current administration’s Bush policy continuation and complicity to the crimes committed by the predecessor is a major concern among the electorate that casted their vote for Hope and Change.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, October 11, 2010

New Global Era - Peace, Democracy, Social and Economic Progress

By Padmini Arhant

The overwhelming majority having experienced a catastrophic twentieth century with death, destruction, genocide and carnage while the powerful minority reaping all the benefits,

There was tremendous hope for a better world at the dawn of the new millennium.

The general expectation was a paradigm shift in the political systems paving way for economic and social progress.

Among the six billion population - the industrialized nation like the United States has around 45 million children living in hunger and poverty. It is disproportionately higher at the global level.

Despite the staggeringly lower literacy rate in the developing nations,

The children are not attending school and gaining knowledge by exploring the wonders of science and technology, learning music and arts and importantly playing sports, essentially living a normal life.

Instead, they are either exploited in the sweat shops or trained to use firearms for recruitment in civil wars and by terror networks.


Thank you,

Padmini Arhant

Friday, October 8, 2010

War and Geo-Political Status 21st Century – The Ultimate Resolution

By Padmini Arhant

In the twenty first century, the war is interestingly waged in Islamic nations around the world.

Beginning with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestinian Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, Yemen, Chechnya, Somalia and Sudan with skirmishes in Central Asia as seen in the recent Kyrgyzstan with Uzbek Muslims largely massacred in ethnic violence –

Terrorism and insurgencies are the by-product of relentless warfare and foreign policies fostering political instability in turn exacerbating economic and social development.

The trend is prevalent to date.

Afghanistan – The former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney started the war in 2001 declaring the terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden will be captured “dead or alive.”

Even the message resonated in the 2008 Presidential campaign with Senator John McCain as the Republican Presidential candidate pledging -

“I will follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell.”

The Democratic Presidential candidate, the then Senator Barack Obama essentially repeated his predecessor’s rhetoric –

“Bush had earlier vowed to catch bin Laden “Dead or Alive,” and … “My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him. …”


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, October 7, 2010

War and Geo-Political Status 20th Century

By Padmini Arhant

The global economy is still far from recovery and most nations are dealing with austerity, Europe in particular much against their population will.

Meanwhile, among them an overwhelming majority have disproportionate defense budget that is not targeted in the spending cuts. United States has an exceptionally higher defense expenditure that is invariably passed with bipartisan approval regardless of the political party in power.

Whereas, the other life threatening issues concerning jobs, health care, social security, housing…are usually subjective to filibuster and marginalization at the worst resulting in a meaningless final product.

The contemporary society is currently confronted with the so-called war on terror. Although terrorism took birth in the twentieth century predominantly through Middle East conflicts, it escalated in the twenty first century with 9/11 becoming the premise for relentless warfare fomenting terrorism seeing no end in sight.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, October 4, 2010

XIX Commonwealth Games Grand Opening Ceremony – Delhi, India

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Congratulations! To India, especially Delhi, the XIX Commonwealth Games host on the spectacular extravaganza prominently showcased at the ‘Gala Opening Ceremony,’ held on October 2, 2010 at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi.

You did it! That too with magnificent glory and pride.

It’s a testimony that whenever human talent is challenged with the ‘impossible’ verdict, the inspirational spirit within guides to rise to the occasion and prove it otherwise.

The ceremony is an amazing feat for the vibrant civilization unfolded in the twenty first century technological era in perfect harmony and wrapped in a colorful cultural performance depicting the magical kingdom of India through the refracted prism images from the spectrum of light illuminating the sky with mesmerizing fireworks.

Technology oriented themes such as the ‘Aerostat,’ a large helium balloon raised to the maximum 30 meters height above the ground, decorated with mirrors and rainbow lights is designed to project high resolution video occurrence and visuals at 360 degrees in addition to synchronizing with the parade on the ground.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ayodhya Verdict – Indian High Court Decision

By Padmini Arhant

The Allahabad High Court in the Indian northern state Uttar Pradesh delivered its verdict on the long awaited settlement related to the Ayodhya Holy site shared between Hindus and Muslims since 16th century.

Ayodhya has religious significance being the Hindu God, Lord Ram’s birth place.

Lord Ram is the virtuous Avatar or Reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Ram exemplified peace commitments through self-sacrifice.

Similarly, the Mosque on the site attracted many Muslims from far and wide. It was a common worship place for both religious groups over four centuries.

However, the tranquility dissipated leading to litigation over the land proprietary rights.

The lawsuit filed much earlier on finally came to fruition with the court’s decision on September 29, 2010.

Judiciary was fairly represented with a Muslim and Hindu justices serving the respective religious interests within the constitutional law.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Democrat Candidate U.S. Senator Russ Feingold – State of Wisconsin

By Padmini Arhant

Democrat Senator Russ Feingold from the great State of Wisconsin needs no introduction.

Senator Feingold is a true democrat with a distinguished record in the United States Senate.

Senator Feingold has always been in the forefront to serve not only the Wisconsin constituents but also the entire nation.

Meanwhile, please visit and,

Kindly help the campaign in reaching the $300,000 fund in the next hour.

Today is the deadline and the campaign needs your assistance by midnight EST.

The campaign is just $2,679 away from reaching the $300,000 goal.

With 270 supporters donating as much as $10 or more would easily assist the Senator’s campaign in achieving the target.

Please cast your vote for Senator Russ Feingold earlier if possible and secure your future.

Senator Russ Feingold has never hesitated to stand up for the American electorate throughout his outstanding service to the State of Wisconsin and the people across the nation.

The Senator’s record will be elaborated on this website shortly.

Your passion, enthusiasm and cooperation are much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The 65th U.N. General Assembly on Multilateral Disarmament Treaty

By Padmini Arhant

On September 24, 2010, the United Nations held a “High-level Meeting on Revitalizing Disarmament Conference” attended by 65 nations’ dignitaries in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Conference objectives were to initiate discussions on the -

Biological and Chemical weapons,

The Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and,

The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) including,

START – Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms,

PAROS – Prevention of Arms Race in Outer Space and,

Last but not the least - Nuclear States threats against non-nuclear nations.

Although the statements from these organizations’ representatives and U.N. members defined the international community role and the urgency to begin nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament discourse, the session ended in an impasse.

Remaining article...contd,

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Senator Barbara Boxer Campaign Goal by September 30, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Please help Senator Barbara Boxer in the $500,000 goal by September 30, 2010.

Your pledge is crucial for effective representation in Washington D.C.

More about Senator Barbara Boxer could be found under

“Politics – United States,”

Titled - Democrat Candidate U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer – State of California published on 08/13/2010.

Please donate @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, September 27, 2010

The 65th U.N. General Assembly honors 2010 - International Year of Biodiversity

By Padmini Arhant

On September 22, 2010, the 65th U.N. General Assembly session contributed to the “2010 – International Year of Biodiversity.”

Biological diversity representing the ecosystems is on the decline threatening planet sustenance.

At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, 2005 and 2006 – The States committed to the biodiversity strategies and agenda, in addition to providing the necessary financial and technical resources to the developing nations.

The objectives during these summits were to efficiently reduce the biodiversity loss at the national, regional and global level as a contribution towards poverty alleviation and benefit to all life on Earth by 2010 that led to;

“The 2010 Biodiversity Target.”

It has been enacted with the Millennium Development Goals as part of Goal 7 on environmental sustainability.

Biodiversity is the life support for the ecosystems that helps the planet survival and the sensitivity cannot be underestimated.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The 65th U.N. General Assembly Focus – Millennium Development Goals and Biodiversity

By Padmini Arhant

A warm welcome to the Heads of the State and dignitaries around the world attending -

The 65th U.N. General Assembly in New York, U.S.A.

The 65th U.N. General Assembly key meeting held between September 20 and September 22, 2010 reached an accord on Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and coordinated with the International Year of Biodiversity.

Per the U.N. Accord on MDG, more than $40 billion is pledged towards women and children’s health, hunger, poverty and technology access over a five year period.

According to the U.N. statement – the unanimous agreement from the various groups such as the Heads of the State and the Government, private sector, foundations, international organizations, civil society and research companies expected to expedite the targeted goals.

There is no doubt that an overwhelming world population is battling with starvation, preventable diseases, chronic illnesses due to lack of health professionals and inadequate facilities exacerbated by natural disasters, political and economic crisis.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, September 23, 2010

XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 – New Delhi, India

By Padmini Arhant

The delay in preparedness and various issues concerning the games village has justifiably placed the CWG authorities in spotlight. Being an international event the expectations in the readiness for the athletes arrival is fair and considering the organizers’ miserable failure the reaction is normal.

Although the village complex should have been made available in top notch condition months ago, the torrential rain causing the Yamuna River flooding exacerbated the situation.

Nevertheless, the status quo could be turned around to the international standard despite the pessimism, criticism and the time factor.

For a nation with an incredible talent and human capital, a renowned technology hub, the phenomenal output from the motion picture industry and above all the September 2009 rewarding lunar mission leading to the water detection in the moon, the CWG village restoration should be a no brainer.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, September 20, 2010

Special Acknowledgment – President Jimmy Carter North Korea Visit

By Padmini Arhant

The Nobel Peace Laureate, President Jimmy Carter is renowned for great accomplishments prominently the long lasting Peace Accord between Egypt and Israel at Camp David during his Presidency and the magnificent work through the internationally acclaimed humanitarian organization – Habitat for Humanity providing relief to millions in many areas around the world.

As the founder of Habitat for Humanity, President Jimmy Carter has elevated the living standards and survival rate of the significant population across the globe.

President Jimmy Carter has voiced his legitimate concerns and demonstrated through actions the urgency to heed to rationality than ‘Super Power,’ mentality in foreign policy and environmental issues.

Recently, the former President visit to North Korea in releasing the innocent American citizen, 31 year old Aijalon Gomes from Boston, Massachusetts - is commendable and praiseworthy.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cuba – New Economic Model

By Padmini Arhant

The island nation is in the process of shifting towards an economic model to rescue the state from the employment burden across the public sector.

State’s overwhelming expansion in all areas of the economy is forcing the government to change course in an effort to salvage the sagging public enterprises into private industry.

The combined woes of political sanctions, global economic crisis and natural disasters have produced massive revenue losses for the socialist system struggling to maintain the infrastructure.

As a result, Cuba has reportedly decided to lay off 500,000 state employees by March 2011 and promoting the private entrepreneurial opportunities by issuing business licenses to its population in a limited measure.

Such economic strategy is a wise move for Cuba and could potentially ease the pressure off the government funded organizations that are becoming unaffordable.

The underground economy that managed the private businesses in the state controlled environment is apparently being considered for legal recognition.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Truth Verification and Implication on Whistle Blowers

By Padmini Arhant

In the bizarre political environment - certain talking heads for the political class or the establishment in Washington condemn truth in the name of free speech while forbidding others of the same constitutional right confirming the hypocrisy in the so-called democracy.

Propaganda through subversion of facts is the typical characteristics in the denial and dismissal of truth, despite evidences in the relevant matter.

Truth and first amendment rights are the primary targets in successfully evading debates concerning human tragedies from health, economic to incessant warfare.

Attempts to discredit those raising legitimate questions on national issues and humanity at large bear uncanny resemblance to the political systems depriving citizens of the democratic right to express views and opinions.

Ordinary citizens are expected to accept responsibility for their actions; meanwhile the extraordinary are treated above the law regardless of the issues.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Secure Your Future by Electing Progressives in the Fall Election 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Democrats, Independents and disappointed Republicans – Please extend your support and contribute to the candidates’ campaigns - listed in

Please remember your future and the national interest is dependent upon your representation in Washington D.C.

Please ensure your economic prosperity and civil liberty by casting your votes earlier for the Progressive Democrats and restore Washington.

Voting is a constitutional right and gateway to your personal progress. Please begin voting now for the following candidates dedicated to improve your life and spread the word around by visiting Democracy for America or DFA at the address provided below.

Your cooperation and enthusiasm is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The Progressives’ service to the nation is detailed in the DFA endorsement section.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Congressional Elections 2010 – Prognosis

By Padmini Arhant

The recent primaries indicate a strong surge among the Republican base compared to the Democrats and the independent voters.

There is urgency for the Democrats and the independents to get back into action similar to the tidal wave witnessed in 2008 to accomplish their goals.

Grievances on some issues among both groups are justified. However, they cannot be addressed without effective representation in the House and the Senate. Abstinence or the eleventh hour effort could only lead to more frustration allowing the conservative blockade to continue.

Both democrats and independents need candidates with high quality performance reflecting solid commitment to the people and environment. Candidates willing to stand up to the entities against public and national interest from corporate affair to military warfare, the two predominant factors contributing to the alarming national deficit and myriad of social-economic disparities deserve voter approval.

The Republican members are not the choice whether they are tea party candidate or establishment nominee for they represent the big industries and not the average citizens. It is confirmed in the ‘Nay’ votes on legislation concerning the economy and host of other issues since January 2009.

Likewise, the democratic establishment instrumental in opposing single payer system or public option in health care reform, closing loopholes in finance legislation and swaying to the energy behemoths’ call to adhere to fossil fuel, nuclear energy despite the misgivings and horrific mining accidents in the United States and around the world,

Last but not the least against troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere - owe valid explanation to the democratic base and independents for rejecting their voices in all these issues.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Midterm Election 2010 - An Opportunity to Rebuild the Great Nation

By Padmini Arhant

Midterm Election 2010 is an opportunity to rebuild the great nation – the United States of America.

From the latest developments it’s clear that Washington is broken and desperately requires citizens’ involvement in governance to restore the renowned American values that remains the basis in attracting many across the globe.

United States is resilient, resourceful and admirably courageous in dealing with any crisis.

It is evident in this great nation’s history for it has weathered the fierce storms and survived even the “Great Depression.”

The people representing the stars and stripes have come forward as one nation and contributed their unique skills in building the United States as the economic engine and a model democracy.

United States is the beacon of light for the entire world and the leadership will continue to provide the necessary guidance to those seeking political, economic and social progress in their domain.

The fall election is crucial to implement the changes that Washington has been deprived due to partisanship and special interests dominance in the legislation.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Mystery behind Osama Bin Laden and MIC (Military Industrial Complex) Mission

By Padmini Arhant

Today the nation and the world remembers the victims of the earth shattering attack on American soil nine years ago.

September 11 created fears, mistrust and global anxiety followed by terrorism in other parts of the world.

Besides death and destruction in the United States and worldwide, it also became the premise to launch an illegal invasion in Iraq, prolong the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan with expansion in other Islamic countries like Yemen, Sudan and Somalia.

The persisting warfare in Islamic nations foment fundamentalism enabling recruits for the
terror networks. It’s a vicious cycle with no end in sight.

Further it deprives the impoverished population from the economic and social development due to corrupt inefficient governments placed by the powerful democracies such as the United States as seen in Afghanistan and now pursued in Iraq through ill recommendations made against the democratic will.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tribute to September 11 Victims and Families

By Padmini Arhant

Nine years after the catastrophic terror attack on American soil, the nation pays tribute to the victims and the families. Since the horrific event, the entire population has been subject to the ordeal in one way or another.

The citizens’ resilience to overcome personal tragedies is seen throughout the decade.

Many still silently suffering from the personal loss are coping with inner and external source of strength.

Life cannot be resurrected but the memories continue to provide the necessary comfort and solace to the survivors. The departed members’ dreams and aspirations sometimes fulfilled by those they leave behind.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, September 10, 2010

Presidential Q&A Session

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama this morning addressed the press corps on a variety of issues ranging from the economy to international affairs.

The President elaborated on the Congressional Democrats and the White House achievements thus far.

President Obama also laid out the economic progressive tax structure with permanent tax cuts for the middle class and those earning up to $250,000 income.

On the previous administration’s tax cuts expiration for the top 2% wealthy individuals earning above $250,000 - the economic strategy would benefit the higher income groups and not hurt them as claimed by the critics.

As the President explained - the first $250,000 earnings would qualify for the permanent tax cuts and only the remaining income would be subject to the applicable tax. Essentially 98% taxpayers might qualify for the permanent tax cut creating a vast middle income that would expedite economic recovery.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Islam – The Religion of Peace

By Padmini Arhant

Islam has been the target of the political, religious and social demagoguery.

Today, Islam - a sacred religion with an approximate 1.5 billion followers is the scapegoat for the ideologues representing the various factions in the world society.

From terrorism, warfare, politics, religion to social domain – Islam is the convenient alibi.

The actions are meant to reflect the so-called “tolerance, acceptance, and social equality.”

The ideology has no limit in seizing the opportunity to promote the individual belief, rights, political clout and image. Such irrationality stems from defiance against one’s own reasoning faculties.

If religion is commercialized by the religious authorities, the political opportunists strive to politicize for their personal agenda.

As for the mainstream media - they do not wish to be left behind in the popularity contest.

So they play a dominant role in sensationalizing the issues and elevate narcissism to evangelism.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Australian Federal Elections 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Australia – Welcomes the first female Prime Minister Julia Gillard after the political stalemate Down Under yielded victory to the ruling Labor Party in coalition with Green Party Independent members to form a government.

The Australian federal election held on August 21, 2010 produced a hung parliament with the incumbent Labor party and the opposition Liberal party (conservatives in political ideology) winning 72 seats short of 76 required in the 150 seats House of Representatives elected to the Parliament.

Australian Green Party as the name suggests is renowned for environmental cause and increasingly becoming prominent in Australian politics dominant with two major parties i.e. Labor, the Democrats equivalent and the Liberal being the conservatives.

The two independent members’ conditional alignment with the Labor Party was reportedly related to climate change legislation and expansion of the fastest and sophisticated Internet broadband networks in the country.

Green Party proposals are praiseworthy in the environmental and technological fronts.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Economy - The Job Factor

By Padmini Arhant

The major national concern among the American families are finding and retaining jobs.

There is no doubt that jobs are Democrats’ priority in the Republicans created deficit economy.

Not surprisingly, the response to unveiling the economic plan at this time is “Too little, too late.”

It confirms political expediency to oppose the Obama initiatives rather than extending bipartisan support to help the President save American jobs.

Contrary to the political mindset in the election year, it’s never too late to rescue American workforce and people in distress.

With the high unemployment in certain parts of the country such as Ohio, California, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Indiana…the workers disappointment and voters’ anxiety is about the jobs and the economy.

President Barack Obama eloquently laid out some job aspects in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Labor Day. The infrastructure proposal for repair, restoration and rebuilding America has great potential for jobs in the construction and service industry.

The President also clarified on the self-funding of the $50 billion job creation plan. Allocating the revenue from tax loopholes is fiscally responsible for it would not affect the contentious national deficit.

Another bill that requires the legislators’ immediate attention is the $30 billion funding to community banks for small business lending in the worst hit areas of the economy. Again identifying wasteful spending to pay for the short and long term job opportunities is economically prudent.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, September 6, 2010

2010 Elections – The Balance of Power

By Padmini Arhant

With less than eight weeks for the mid-term elections, the speculations are the GOP will claim the House and the House majority leader will be John Boehner. Similarly, the speculators believe the GOP has a slim chance of taking over the U.S. Senate.

In view of the optimistic Republican forecast as potential majority House members it’s essential to review the GOP plans for the nation.

Currently, the GOP mantra is the economy they successfully transformed into near ‘Great Depression,’ during their majority rule in the House and Senate under the Republican administration of the former President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney.

The Republicans might fervently argue that the Democrats controlled the House and the Senate since 2006.

Although it’s a valid argument, the Republican members always gain control over legislation regardless of them being the majority or the minority due to their allegiance to the special interests devising the bills in Capitol Hill.

Moreover, the former President George W. Bush vowed to veto the bills passed by the Congressional Democrats on every issue and the veto record exemplifies the oath.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Peace Dawns on Palestine and Israel - Two States Solution

By Padmini Arhant

There is potential for a breakthrough in the ongoing Palestinian and Israeli meeting in Washington D.C.

The issue has received worldwide attention with several mediation attempts by the U.S. Presidents, European leaders and humanitarians from different nations in the past six decades.

People on both sides have suffered enormous casualties -

The rocket firing, suicide bombings including the recent killing of the Jewish settlers in Hebron, West Bank and,

On the other side - The military intervention with heavy artillery shelling against the Palestinians in Gaza, while the West Bank and East Jerusalem citizens denied normal existence through check posts, heavy defense presence and above all the contentious settlement expansion in the Palestinian territories.

These actions inflicting pain and agony on each other are deeply regrettable with innocent civilians being the victims in the quagmire.

After years of unsuccessful negotiations, Palestinian and Israeli authorities’ willingness to recognize the two states solution is encouraging.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Economy, Jobs and Housing Market Assessment

By Padmini Arhant

The economy, job and housing market are the most important issues for the American electorate.

An overwhelming population is experiencing tough economic situations one way or another and there is legitimate concern over the rising deficit as well.

President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats achievements, work-in-progress including the remedial measures are elaborated for better understanding and fair assessment.

Upon assuming office President Barack Obama and the Congressional Democrats passed the economic stimulus bill worth $787 billion to salvage the economy from ‘Great Depression,’ at that time.

This step was vital for the U.S. and the global economy on the precipitous decline following,

The previous administration’s deficit spending on two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,

Facilitating financial market recklessness,

Free market deregulations in finance, health and energy industries,

Widening deficits through financial and auto industry bailouts with no accountability

Allowing Corporations to evade taxes on domestic and overseas earnings with adverse effects on national revenue.

Extending tax cuts for the wealthy – are the few recipes that triggered the economic disaster.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mexico – Drugs, Guns and Human Trafficking

By Padmini Arhant

Mexico is in the middle of the worst battle against the drug cartels and human traffickers. The North American state is bogged down with horrendous crimes against the vulnerable population within and outside the country attempting to flee the economic, political and social quagmire.

Rather than substantial investments in economy, education, health care, energy and environmental issues,

The Mexican President Felipe Calderón government is forced to divest substantial national resources in targeting the criminals held responsible for the recent massacre, shootings, explosions and gang warfare.

According to the latest reports, the horrific execution of the 72 migrants from Central and South America near Texas border is a grim reality on the lawlessness prevailing in the clashes between the drug gangs and the federal forces.

The drug gang suspected to be involved in the migrant killings is identified as the ‘Zetas,’ ironically represented by the ex-police and military special force officers. Those individuals who were once trained to protect the citizens and the nation are now wreaking havoc through human smuggling and drug related activities.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Africa – War and the Peace Prospects

By Padmini Arhant

Rwandan Rebels Atrocity against Congolese Women

The Rwandan rebels reportedly gang raped 150 women and brutally attacked them during the weekend August 21-22, 2010, raid in the eastern Congo villages - the village of Ruvungi, in North Kivu Province.

According to the reports, the U.N. held the Democratic forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, F.D.I.R. responsible for the violent assault. The systemic abuse and terrorization is routinely carried out against the innocent civilians, especially the women in that region.

The F.D.I.R. is believed to be the Hutu rebels plundering the village communities in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as ‘Zaire.’

Despite the regional violent past leading to the U.N. military base as peacekeepers within 20 miles from these villages, the U.N. officials’ ambivalence on the peacekeepers’ knowledge about the horrific crime and the lack of intervention in protecting the victims is a tactical flaw.

It defeats the purpose of peace mission if the repeat violence is undeterred and escalating with no end in sight to the sexual attacks against women.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, August 23, 2010

United States – Environment and the Gulf Oil Spill

By Padmini Arhant

The BP Gulf oil spill is a major economic, environmental and now political issue for the White House.

Since the disaster in April 2010, the economic consequences from the ecological damages proved to be unsustainable. Beginning with the distribution of $20 billion compensation from BP to the Gulf coast residents experiencing economic difficulties and the persisting marine life destruction is no longer a territorial concern but a national crisis.

No reason could possibly justify the delay or denial in the monetary disbursements for the Gulf States victims suffering from the cataclysmic industrial negligence.

Making BP accountable for the mishap with the $20 billion package is effective upon the victims actually receiving the payments due to them in the hour of need.

Evidently, the government scientists including the officials’ clarification and BP’s account together do not reflect the reality in damage control nor does it resolve the burgeoning problem.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Iraq – Partial Troop Withdrawal

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President Barack Obama, the United States Military and the coalition forces in the decision on the estimated 50,000 troop withdrawal from combat position in Iraq.

The President fulfilling the campaign commitment on timeline troop withdrawal is praiseworthy with the remaining forces to be withdrawn at the end of the year 2011.

However, the Iraqi national security is directly related to the political stability that remains unresolved.

The incumbent Prime Minister Nouri-Al-Maliki refusal to honor the Iraqi electorates’ will is contributing to the perpetual violence claiming innocent lives and enabling the insurgents’ establishment in the exhausted and war torn Iraq.

Perhaps, if Prime Minister Maliki were to prioritize his country’s interest over personal political ambitions by allowing the electorate mandate to prevail and that being,

The secular government comprising the Shi‘ite, Sunni and other minorities representing Iraq led by Prime Minister-elect Ayad Allawi, then Iraq would be debating on the economic issues rather than dealing with incessant bombings and explosions.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The New Developments in India

By Padmini Arhant

Per the article International Events – India Independence Day published on this website 08/16/10 under International Politics, the food prices inflation impacting the incumbent administration in New Delhi at national polls was cited in the post.

Further, the scenarios causing the food inflation was elaborated with solutions to overcome the situation contributing to the Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh’s decline in the national polls among the frustrated population.

Upon the private media investigation in the matter, the latest findings reveal that the suspicion on the illicit trade practices involving government subsidized staple food reserved for domestic consumption is confirmed to be factual.

For rice is being smuggled out of the state and exported overseas to Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand…at 1000 percent profit.

As a result, the consistent demand is superficially inflated with short supply depriving the local population of the Central government subsidies.

In this context, the southern state of Tamil Nadu government under the Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi, is implicated in the video documentary of the trade activity from origin to destination.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lower Manhattan Mosque Controversy

By Padmini Arhant

Sometime back, the Lower Manhattan residents had approved the community center construction with a religious mosque in New York City.

Subsequently, the city granted permission for the project in accordance with the civil ordinance. The process would have clearly involved a thorough review of the construction site, the local convenience or the lack thereof and the majority consensus in this issue.

Reportedly, after much deliberation and survey the final decision was made favoring the community center project with the mosque, a worship place for the people of Islamic faith.

The community center with recreational facilities is meant for all within and outside the community including a peaceful gathering by the people to pray at the proposed mosque.

Although, it was a widely known public project with an overwhelming support from the people in the neighborhood and around until now, the mosque site is the contentious issue and currently turned into a sensitive debate.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Emergency Aid to Pakistan Flood Victims

By Padmini Arhant

Pakistan is experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis due to massive flooding, posing tremendous challenges for the government and the victims.

Although, the United States assistance has been substantial in the relief operation, the global community bears responsibility to help the people of Pakistan.

The onus is not on the United States alone, the international aid from all corners of the world is essential to rescue the estimated twenty million displaced population and the families who have lost their loved ones in the natural disaster.

There is an opportunity for all nations across the globe to come forward and extend their support through financial and other humanitarian needs.

Perhaps, The Kingdom of Brunei, Saudi Arabia, EU, the Middle East and developing nations including private donors from different parts of the world could share the financial burden with the United States and humanitarian organizations.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, August 16, 2010

International Events – India Independence Day

By Padmini Arhant

Happy Independence Day to India on August 15, 2010.

India celebrated its 63rd anniversary amid stability and domestic crisis.

On the economic front, India is focused on GDP growth but struggling to contain food prices.

The inflation is contributing to the public anger and disappointment reflected in the national polls directed at the Central government.

Adding to the problem is the recent handling of the farmers’ plight in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. The State government’s slow response to the situation is criticized nonetheless; the damage control measures are being implemented possibly with the Central government intervention if required.

While being steadily progressive, the Indian economy has been challenged with inflation in some areas like food that is demanding immediate attention from both the public and private sector.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, August 15, 2010

International Events – Pakistan Independence Day

By Padmini Arhant

Happy Independence Day on August 14, 2010 to Pakistan!

Pakistan celebrated its 63rd anniversary since partition from India and the nation has been confronted with humongous challenges until now.

The recent flooding has taken a toll on the population and the victims’ frustration is directed at the authorities engaged in rescue operation.

The United States assistance and the generous contributions from people around the world are significant in saving lives.

Pakistan is also politically and economically undermined by the various terror networks wreaking havoc within and outside the country.

More than six decades into independence and Pakistan is deprived of a vibrant democracy predominantly due to the liaison maintained by the key officials in the Pakistan military along with ISI, the intelligence agency with the militants and radical groups like Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Haqqani networks, the underworld don viz. Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar and the likes.

Remaining article

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Religious Event - Holy Ramaḍān or Ramzan رمضان‎

By Padmini Arhant

The holy month celebrating Ramaḍān just started for the followers of Islam and it’s observed with fasting and praying that includes a reflective moment on personal deeds towards self and others.

It’s an important religious occasion for the believers in Islamic faith.

The traditions pertaining to this religious festival are followed by many Muslims around the world.

Most people regard this as an opportunity to renew vows in their moral and ethical conduct according to the Holy Qur’an’s القرآن guidance.

Rest of the article

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, August 13, 2010

Democrat Candidate Senator Barbara Boxer – State of California

By Padmini Arhant

The California Senator is due for re-election in November 2010 after having diligently performed the constitutional duties in the best interests of the State of California, the United States and the international community at large.

Since 1992, Senator Barbara Boxer has served the Golden State and the great nation of the United States.

The Senator’s stellar record speaks volume about her dedication, ingenuity and above all conscientious decisions in matter related to the national and international interest.

Please refer to Senator Barbara Boxer’s extensive Public Service Record on;

Senator Barbara Boxer is the incumbent -

Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works,

In addition to serving as;

The Chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Gospel Truth on Religious Harmony and Oneness

By Padmini Arhant

Religion is the epitome of universal love and peace.

The introduction of religion throughout the evolutionary process since creation was primarily to develop the latent inherent human qualities in elevating self and others.

Apart from diversity, religions essentially resemble the confluence of rivers merging into the ocean, the Almighty God or the Supreme entity in myriad forms such as the light, force and energy,

Thus, providing the link between the Spiritual Science creationism and Natural Science evolutionism based on physics, chemistry and biology in mathematical precision.

From the archaic age, religion is surmised to be anything but a simple philosophy about the life existence and its purpose.

“All are created equal” - Is the religions’ premise and the vital characteristics of all species albeit disproportionately yet significant in real terms contribute to the ecological sustenance, once again legitimizing the correlation of Spiritual facts with Scientific evidence.

Remaining article

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant