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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Time for Action - Why you should nominate "Gore-Feingold" for the Democratic Party?

My Dear America,

Yet another twist and dilemma to the already chaotic Democratic Party nomination!

Pennsylvania Primary Results” – Belated Congratulations to Senator Hillary Clinton!

The race continues to allow participation of the electorate in the remaining states. As democrats we are all learning a great deal of “Politics” from the current “Presidential race”.

Should we learn more about “Politics” or the “Politicians”? Some say both and others think the latter is important to understand the former.

It is evident from these results that the people across the nation are desperately seeking effective policies to alleviate major problems confronting their lives?

The relevant and daunting aspect of this “Presidential race” is electability that is directly related to credibility, competence, character and most importantly policies of their candidacy.

Can the candidates deliver what is required of them?

Right now, they are busy delivering explosive rhetoric and negative campaign tactics much to the advantage of the relaxed and well rested presumed Republican nominee Senator John McCain who has been around the world in 80 hours as the future “President” and currently touring the “forgotten places” to project himself as the formidable candidate.

The economic, social and political commitments of the three “Presidential candidates” fail to strike a chord with the people on or off the campaign trail. The reason being the lack of transparency with respect to “Special Industry / Corporate Lobbyists” vested interests in their respective campaigns and reluctance to transform “Washington Politics” in domestic and foreign policy.

As stated earlier, the current “Presidential race” is tough because of the enormous challenges at present time. The serious job demands serious qualifications.

The controversial contender Senator Hillary Clinton has urged the media and the electorate to draw distinction between herself and her opponent, Senator Obama. Even though the distinction is obvious in terms of gender and race, the commonality between them is they both represent “Symbolic Politics”.

Let us compare and contrast “Yes we can” with “Yes we will”, the campaign slogans of the present democratic challengers, Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton respectively.

The economic and health care policies of both candidates with slight variations are intended to target their respective goals of providing “Universal Health Care” and salvation from the current economic and energy crises. The strength and statistics of their policies are revealed by them against one another in the popular campaign dictum “Kitchen Sink” strategy undermining external evaluation by experts and electorate alike.

The voters’ unanimous choice - “Single Payer Health Care Policy” is rejected by all three “Presidential Candidates” for their own validation of product that is unequivocally acknowledged by experts as “inadequate”. The political maneuvering is a good example of products and services marketed aggressively against the will of the electorate or offering a “placebo” for the current ailing economy to benefit the “Special Interests” group behind their candidacy.

Source: February 08, 2008 (Thank you.)

Examining Clinton & Obama’s Stances on the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, Universal Healthcare, Privatizing Social Security and Nuclear Energy

“Amy GOODMAN: It’s interesting to note something Hillary Clinton says in that clip. When she mentions a single-payer system, the audience applauds and cheers, even though it’s an option rarely seriously discussed by politicians or the corporate media. And Hillary Clinton acknowledges the applause by saying, “I know a lot of people favor [it], but for many reasons [it’s] difficult to achieve.” She doesn’t explain why she thinks it’s difficult to achieve. And polls repeatedly show a majority of Americans favor it. An A.P. poll in December found nearly two-thirds of voters want universal healthcare, in which everyone’s covered in a Medicare-type program, while more than half of voters explicitly said they support single payer. But it’s the insurance companies that are against it. Robert Kuttner, can you talk about that?

ROBERT KUTTNER: Well, one of the reasons that it’s difficult to achieve is the lack of leadership on the part of leaders like Hillary Clinton and, for that matter, Barack Obama. I mean, if you had Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama say, “You know, this is an intramural debate that we should not be having, this debate about mandates; we should do this right: we should have national health insurance,” public opinion would turn around on a dime. And instead of it being this fringe idea, all of a sudden, just because the two of them had blessed it, it would become a mainstream idea, and we would be having a debate that we should have been having all along.”

In terms of the Subprime mortgage crisis, if one candidate’s proposal is to “freeze” increase in mortgage payments for a limited period on “negative amortization loans”, the other candidate beg to differ with an alternative approach of “moratorium” on foreclosures for a limited term as well. The end result of both proposals is the eviction of homeowners by lenders within the timeframe resembling the margin of their polling status.

Other major issues such as “Social Security” the lifeline for baby boomers and Senior Citizens, job security for all workers color coded in this campaign as white, blue and green according to the primary results, escalating education costs for the youth expected to be future tax payers of this economy and astronomical energy prices debilitating the nation and global community have been currently superceded by dramatic rhetoric contributing to major entertainment for news media and political circus.

Is there any opportunity to discuss other real issues such as time line for troop withdrawal from Iraq, drastic measures to defense cutback on military spending, dealing with present burgeoning international food crisis and inflation, focus on national security and environmental policy, restoration of human rights and world peace?

How about a proposal for complete disarmament of nuclear weapons by all nations with United States in the leading role to eliminate the threat of nuclear arsenal being acquired by the potentially dangerous elements in the world?

The candidates have discussed some of the above mentioned issues during “Presidential debates” and on the campaign trail. However, none of them have offered a firm commitment or a permanent solution to any of the problems facing our nation and the international community.

Should we wonder why? The truth of the matter is, all three “Presidential Candidates” have ducked and dodged on issues concerning the American people and the rest of the world for the survival of their candidacy.

It is important to ask all three remaining contenders on their position regarding the electorate proposals on health care, housing, energy, education, environment, troop withdrawal, serious commitment against human right violation such as torture, invasion and illegal occupation of foreign lands, cutback on military spending and investment in peace and diplomacy and finally complete disarmament of nuclear weapons.

Please remember, the “Presidential Candidates” are vying for the highest office on land and planet earth. They want to control our destiny but decline to be subject to any scrutiny. An active democracy must constantly seek truth, transparency and integrity from any and all prospects running for public office.

After relentless pursuit for disclosure of personal income tax returns by Senator Clinton and others, the nation had the opportunity to view the stark contrast in the “socio-economic status” between the candidates and the mainstream population notably classified as “Elitist vs. Populist” in their personal attacks against each other.

The amazing performance to relate to the people struggling to meet both ends in Pennsylvania and elsewhere is evident in the income tax returns and gaffes by the candidates.

It is important for the electorate in a democratic society to seek yet another full disclosure of “Special Interests” investment details, their association, affiliation and alliances in the current “Presidential Campaign” from all three candidates.

The incumbent administration flaunted the militaristic might in the disastrous Iraq war through “Shock and Awe” and now, not surprisingly Senator Hillary Clinton is enthusiastic to display the “Nuclear Capability” upon becoming “President” by vowing to the following action;

“Source: (Good work on the explosive topic!) – Thank you.

Los Angeles Times:

IRAN: Hillary's threat to "obliterate" in war reverberates-------

Better be careful what you say in the heat of a political campaign. It could have global repercussions.

Presidential contender Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's vow to "obliterate" Iran, presumably with nuclear weapons, if it attacked Israel on her watch was duly noted in the U.S.

[UPDATE: To see a video and full transcript of the comment, click here.]”

“Source: February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday Roundtable with Bill Fletcher of The Black Commentator, Sociologist Frances Fox Piven, Roberto Lovato of New America Media, and Progressive Democrats of America Director Tim Carpenter

BILL FLETCHER: Senator Obama has been a motivational and inspiring speaker, but on some issues, particularly on foreign policy, he has not particularly distinguished himself from Senator Clinton. I mean, he was reluctant—although he supported or has supported a withdrawal from Iraq, he was reluctant to pin a date down. He, on Iran, seemed to believe, along with the Bush administration, that Iran represents some sort of threat. And then he made that statement about making a unilateral attack against al-Qaeda bases in Pakistan, which was, I think, a reckless statement when you consider the state that Pakistan is in and the anti-US sentiment there.

How will this be fundamentally different than his predecessors?

FRANCES FOX PIVEN: I certainly don’t think that race is going—the race issue is going—disappearing from American society as a result of this election campaign. That is not what I meant.

But I wanted to comment on the question of program that everybody—all of us have brought up. Whose program do we like? Who is stronger, Hillary or Barack? Or was it Edwards in an earlier phase? I think that, look, these are all ambitious people. They all take money from unsavory sources. They’re all determined to win, to beat out their competitors. They all evade the troublesome issues in American society, if they can.

ROBERTO LOVATO: Well, Hillary Clinton gets a lot of money from military-industrial interests. Barack Obama’s, contrary to what he said on that clip you showed, his main group of funders is Goldman Sachs, according to Open Secrets.

AMY GOODMAN: We have a roundtable discussion on this post-Super Tuesday. Tim Carpenter, I wanted go back to you in Massachusetts—you came out very clearly strongly for Senator Barack Obama—and ask you questions about your concerns about his record. For example, the strong support for the nuclear industry. The New York Times had a piece this weekend talking about Obama falsely claiming during a campaign debate that he had passed legislation in the Senate at the request of Illinois anti-nuclear activists to require better public disclosure about nuclear plant leaks, when in fact the legislation never passed, that while he did initially introduce legislation, his staff repeatedly watered it down after meeting with the nuclear industry. Among Barack Obama’s top contributors are nuclear power industry, Exelon, the corporation. Your thoughts just on that. Then we’ll talk about health insurance with everyone.

TIM CARPENTER: I’m not here to defend Senator Obama and his record. Like you, I’m challenging him, as well. I think we need to distinguish Senator Barack Obama and the movement for Barack Obama, as Frances said earlier. The movement for Barack Obama represents those Democrats, like you said, that are disappointed in Senator Obama and his nuclear record. I think in Nevada, that was exposed when you look at Yucca Mountain. And like you, Amy, I’m disappointed. I’m disappointed in Senator Barack’s stance.

AMY GOODMAN: Bill Fletcher—let me go to Bill Fletcher on the issue of war. Barack Obama makes a very strong case for not just being ready on day one, but being right. Yet he has called for expanding the size of the military by 92,000. Then there’s the issue of healthcare. Neither candidate, Obama or Clinton, have called for single-payer, though Hillary Clinton has presented a plan that would cover 45 million Americans to Obama’s something like, what, twenty-two, twenty-three. Your comments on this?

BILL FLETCHER: Building on what Frances said, I think that Senator Obama, as much as I respect him, has been very wobbly on a number of these issues. And so, in that sense, I think it’s critically important that those of us that are supporting Senator Obama not try to make him something that he’s not.

I’ve heard a number of commentators over the last number of weeks, and some good people that I respect, attempt to change or turn Senator Obama into someone who is far more progressive than I think that he actually is. We can support him, and we can support him critically, but I think that that means that when there are issues like around military spending or the Middle East or healthcare, that we have to come after him, and we have to insist that he get off the fence and that he advance politics that his base is really looking for him to espouse. And that’s what I think is really incumbent upon us, rather than just simply falling over in favor of him because of our excitement with his campaign.

AMY GOODMAN: Why, when we’re having this discussion about progressives pushing Obama, do you not feel the same way about Hillary Clinton?

ROBERTO LOVATO: I think that Hillary Clinton, despite the fact that in one debate she called herself progressive, she’s really not. She’s, I’d say, a neoliberal candidate that represents, you know, Goldman Sachs, military-industrial interests, and others, and so—

AMY GOODMAN: Isn’t Goldman Sachs one of the top contributors to Obama?

ROBERTO LOVATO: Yeah. They’re all—I mean, they’re all in the same bag. I’m not—look, I’m not pitching one candidate or the other. I think—

Source: February 08, 2008 (Thank you.)

Examining Clinton & Obama’s Stances on the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, Universal Healthcare, Privatizing Social Security and Nuclear Energy

PAUL GUNTER: Both Obama and Clinton are hedging.

Actually, both are, you know, remaining open to one of the largest managerial disasters in US business history, where, you know, we—if we repeat that mistake, it’s a little like seeing Lucy offer Charlie Brown this football again. You know, we know what’s going to happen. Why the Clinton and Obama campaigns should remain open to, you know, making that mistake again and falling flat on our back, while we’re facing the imminent and rising risks of rapid climate change—we need leadership now to make decisive policy that sets us on a course where, you know, we’re not going to be faced with climate change, nuclear waste and more nuclear weapons.

AMY GOODMAN: Paul Gunter, in looking at this New York Times piece of February 3rd by Mike McIntyre, he also talks about the chief political strategist of Barack Obama, David Axelrod, who has worked as a consultant to Exelon. A spokeswoman for Exelon said Axelrod’s company had helped an Exelon subsidiary, Commonwealth Edison, with communications strategy periodically since 2002, but had no involvement in the leak controversy or other issues. If you can you comment on that and what the leak controversy was all about?

PAUL GUNTER: Well, you know, basically what the story is is that, you know, for more than a decade, Exelon Nuclear, chiefly at nuclear power stations in Dresden and Braidwood, have been experiencing leaks of radioactive tritium into groundwater, where, at least at Braidwood, on two occasions, more than three million gallons of radioactive water was spilled out onto the surface, where it soaked into groundwater, ran offsite over shallow drinking water wells in neighboring residents, and did not disclose these spills until a constituency of community organizers began to raise this issue, noting that they were really concerned about not only these spills, but cancer clusters and pediatric brain cancers that—around the facilities. And, you know, I think the issue—

AMY GOODMAN: We just have thirty seconds, so if you could—


AMY GOODMAN: —tell us what—how Barack Obama was involved with this?

PAUL GUNTER: Well, you know, they came to Barack Obama, and basically he set out with strong legislation that would have required mandatory reporting by these utilities to local communities, you know, to basically alert them to these leaks. But as the influence of the Nuclear Energy Institute and Exelon began to come into play, the legislation was basically pulled—all the teeth were pulled out of it and, you know, again leaves these communities vulnerable.

AMY GOODMAN: The YouTube debate in Utah in July. Paul Gunter also joins us, director of the Reactor Oversight Project at Beyond Nuclear, an advocacy group that’s opposed to nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Your—can you talk a little about their positions on nuclear power and nuclear weapons?

PAUL GUNTER: Well, both Senators Obama and Clinton have basically displayed a lot of indecisiveness about all the concerns with nuclear power—its cost, the inherent dangers, the unsolved nuclear waste issue, the proliferations issue. But I think that what’s most notable about that clip is the evasiveness, the indecisiveness, that the campaigns have taken. And it’s also been reflected in legislation with both Senators Obama and Clinton.

One of the main concerns is that both Clinton and Obama have very strong backing, financial backing, from the major CEOs from the nuclear industry. For Senator Obama, the chief executive officer, John Rowe, with Exelon Nuclear, Chicago-based, largest nuclear utility in the country; and Senator Clinton has strong financial backing from David Crane, who’s the CEO for NRG Energy, which is based in New Jersey. Both Exelon and NRG right now have got applications before the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to build new nuclear power stations in Texas. So it’s disturbing that both Senators Obama and Clinton left out nuclear in their Utah speech, but we’ve seen that basically this kind of indecisiveness, you know, being all over the board indicates that influence-peddling with the nuclear power industry is alive and well on Capitol Hill and in these presidential campaigns”.


Why is this election so important and crucial for mankind?

Who is the “qualified ruler” of the contemporary world equipped with dangerous nuclear arsenal and challenged with serious economic, energy, environmental and political crises?

It is none of the three Presidential candidates i.e. Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain or Senator Barack Obama.

The ideal and peaceful solution for the Democratic Party is to nominate the former Vice President Al Gore and Senator Russ Feingold as “President and Vice President” and take the “White House” back honorably for the good of humanity.

The dire economic status combined with spiraling energy crisis triggered by illegitimate Iraq war and other monumental issues such as nuclear management facing our nation and global community are few reasons for the electorate to exercise diligence and judgment in choosing a leader as the “President of the United States”.

So, given the limited choice and unlimited controversies and mysteries surrounding the present Democratic Candidates and the imminent continuation of Bush legacy with McCain Presidency, it is important for the electorate to consider this “Presidential race” seriously.

The economically devastated people and militarily exhausted troops of this great nation are yearning for a decisive, rational and responsible leadership committed towards revival of economic prosperity, peace and diplomacy and not nuclear war as recklessly declared by Senator Hillary Clinton or affiliations with nuclear industry by Senator Barack Obama.

It is not that we are devoid of options within Democratic Party. Please review my earlier blog “Crisis Remedy” offering alternatives to the current democratic dilemma. We have “proven” candidate such as the former Vice President and Nobel Peace Laureate Al Gore who won the popular vote and the general election in the year 2000.

The polarization within Democratic Party is inevitable regarding “Florida and Michigan” delegates close to the Democratic Convention. According to the news media in the year 2000, 1.7 million Floridian voters were disenfranchised through the undemocratic nomination of the “President”.

It is a great opportunity for the Democratic Party to heal the wounds of the democrats, independents and disenchanted republicans in Florida and Michigan by bringing the “Gore-Feingold” team on the ballot to beat the Republican Party in the general election.

It is absolutely important for democrats to win the election at all costs to save this great country and the world from further carnage, chaos and catastrophe. If the Democratic Party does not win in November 2008 despite economic disaster, unpopular war and national reputation at stake, it would be a tragedy for the Party and the future of the democratic society.

Senator Russ Feingold will be a formidable candidate on “Gore-Feingold” ticket due to the exemplary Senatorial record in most issues concerning all citizens of this great nation.

Please visit for the preview of his Senate record.

So, Indiana, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, Oregon, Puerto Rico and all other remaining primary states, please get involved in signing a petition to bring “Gore-Feingold” on the ballot and lead Democratic Party to a spectacular victory in November 2008.

Please note the “Grand Old Party” is up to their “Grand Old Plan” to win the general election by 40 states to 10 against Senator Clinton or Senator Obama due to the “damaged” reputation by both democratic contenders. It would be naïve to take the GOP challenge for granted considering the history in the year 2000 and 2004 and the Republican strategy to win elections by any means.

It is imperative for the American electorate and unpledged delegates otherwise known as “Super Delegates” to rise up to the occasion and turn the recommended “possibility” into a “reality”. Sometimes unpopular decisions have to be made for a noble cause such as defending the honor and future of the country.

You should never forget that “People” have the “Power” in a democratic society to transform “failure” into “success”.

Please contact Democratic National Committee, your Congressional representatives and the prospective candidates the former Vice President Al Gore and Senator Russ Feingold and urge them to honor the will of the electorate and restore democracy, peace and prosperity for all.

Make your vote count by joining the American electorate for "Gore-Feingold" nomination. Please spread the message around vigorously and make this a reality. Our nation cannot sustain any more wars, economic downturns and most importantly polarized society.

You must do this for yourself, your children, family and everything you live for.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Voice for Humanity

P.S: Please read my earlier blog “Crisis Remedy” on for further compelling reasons to win the election by the Democratic Party.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Crisis Remedy

My Dear Friends and Fellow Americans,

I had not been in touch with all of you as much as I would have like to recently.

The reason being my commitment towards my forthcoming and first publication titled “Words Matter”, “The Mind of a Blogger” that is not only important in terms of this “Presidential race” but also reveals the characteristics of the contenders competing for the highest office on land and planet earth.

The book will feature my direct communication with the “Presidential Candidate” Senator Barack Obama, his spouse Michelle Obama and other high profile Senators who had just then endorsed the democratic candidate for “Presidency”.

As mentioned in my earlier blogs on which will be presented in shortly, I believe in candor and transparency. Accordingly my literary work will reflect the truth behind my involvement and active participation in this crucial “Political race” that will determine the fate of millions of people struggling to meet both ends here at home and around the world.

I knew it was a tremendous responsibility almost comparable to shouldering the weight of the world when rallying for a particular party or a candidate representing the party. Please trust me; it was not something I could get involved with at the blink of an eye. I pondered over and thought carefully about the incredible task of supporting a candidate with the responsibility to govern this great nation that has been brought down on its knees in more than one aspect in the past eight years.

I am disillusioned and disheartened by the latest developments with the “Presidential candidates” representing the Democratic Party as well as the personal experience in the lack of response from the candidate I vehemently supported for my direct and forthright questions on vital issues concerning the people of this great country and millions around the globe. I will be publishing all of my correspondence in my forthcoming book.

As clarified by the discerning journalists in the media and press corps, there is absolutely no distinction in the policy matters between the two democratic candidates. That in itself is very frustrating for the electorate not to have choices addressing their specific needs and demands rather than the candidates’ agenda with a “placebo” for current economic, social and political ailments our nation is experiencing at this particular time. I had indicated this several times to the candidate I supported, Senator Obama with no response or attention to the cause.

The perfect analogy for their economic and political solutions to the impending serious national and global crisis would be, the “Presidential Campaign” turned into a “Sophisticated Salesman/womanship” with products and services not necessarily suitable for the consumer requirements yet aggressively marketed against the will of the target.

I felt that it was not only unethical but also inappropriate to drive the campaign on false premise as I had stated in my candid communication with the candidate Senator Obama whose campaign slogan has been phrased as “representing the people and not the power”.

I reiterated on the urgency to address the issues relevant to the people suffering on different dimensions at home and around the globe. There are more that will be revealed in my forthcoming book.

The character and leadership qualities are important components to fulfill the duties and obligations of the highest office of the “President of the United States”. Unfortunately, both candidates have miserably failed due to their own “Gaffe’s”, alliances and affiliations remotely or otherwise and alarmingly disproportionate tales of “Foreign Policy” experience combined with divisive, polarization tactics all to benefit their own interest of making history in the twenty first century.

The present time is very unusual and has far too many challenges to contend with for the next “President”. The revival of economic prosperity for the people must supercede “Symbolic Politics”. We are dealing with serious economic crisis in terms of housing, health care, education, employment, environmental and last but not the least skyrocketing energy costs that are debilitating the national and global economy.

In light of the present scenario from the dissection of the democratic primary turmoil, I arrived at this conclusion that neither of the current “Presidential contenders” are eligible for the Democratic Party nomination or have the solutions for the grave situation confronted by the nation and the global community. I am well aware of the social, political and emotional turbulence from presumably “cavalier” approach. It is wise to possess rescue equipments in reserve when testing waters in un-chartered regions to deal with any repercussions.

GOP – Please don’t hold your breath as the above decision does not necessarily imply that the Democratic Party is incompetent to lead the nation because of the damage inflicted upon themselves and the party by the current “Presidential candidates”. In fact, the search for intellect and leadership talent in the Democratic Party is not a treacherous treasure hunt but lies in the sharp vision and discernment of the electorate.

The uninhibited proposal to salvage the Democratic Party from the deadlock situation and the potential fragmentation of the party leading to an inevitable tragic defeat in the general election in November 2008 is to invite the dynamic duo, non-controversial and formidable candidates the former Vice President, Nobel Peace Laureate, environmental crusader Al Gore and the honorable Senator Russ Feingold from Wisconsin with an exemplary Senate record as the strong opponent of the illegal Iraq war, fiscal conservative, Bipartisanship achievements against the “Washington” gridlock, favorable to “Single Payer” health care policy, “Gay Rights” and all of the issues that matter every citizen of this country to represent the Democratic Party as “President and Vice President” and win the “White House” graciously as a unanimous choice.

The strategy of “Gore, Feingold” ticket is to win the big states like Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, California, New York, Massachusetts and small states Wisconsin, Wyoming, Virginia and others alike against the robust GOP in the general election.

For all those disgruntled and disappointed democrats, independents and disenchanted republicans looking forward to “Change” and “historic precedence” in 2008 “Presidential race”, the “Gore, Feingold” team will aptly qualify with the “Nobel Peace Laureate for Presidency” and “Honorable First Jewish American Senator” for “Vice Presidency” positioned to govern the nation as the “President” accordingly.

Much to the astonishment of the establishment and the contenders, the proposition is in the best interest of the people across the nation. It would unite the Clinton and Obama supporters spilt evenly to benefit Senator McCain as evident in the recent “National Polls”. The republican status will continue to rise in the coming months as the character flaws and leadership deficiencies of both “Democratic Candidates” are highlighted by themselves and one another with further fermentation by the Republican Party determined to continue the legacy of carnage, chaos and catastrophe.

The democratic contenders eager to achieve their political ambitions might suddenly agree to compete as a team against the republican nominee Senator McCain but tragically the outcome will overwhelmingly favor the Republican nominee due to the mud slinging, scandals, controversies in the primaries that has polarized and fatigued the democrats and swayed the independents towards the republican party right now. There will be arguments that the current scenario is a teething process and dissipate after the Democratic convention. It is a wishful thinking that there will be no political shenanigans against the “well exposed and battered” “Democratic Candidates” by the GOP in the general election.

At the same time, unarguably the recommended “Gore, Feingold” team will be subject to vilification, scrutiny and the Republican strategy. The potential “Anti-Semitism” and “Anti-environment” attacks will have serious backlash against the republican hopefuls in the general election.

The compelling moment is to convince the current candidates to honorably step aside and allow the prospective candidates the former Vice President Al Gore and Senator Russ Feingold to represent the Democratic Party in the general election. Since both candidates Senator Obama and Senator Clinton vowed during the “Presidential debates” to honor the will of the electorate and pledged support in keeping the Democratic Party united, this is the opportunity for both of them to fulfill their commitment.

As for the prospective candidates, the former Vice President Al Gore and Senator Russ Feingold; the nation and the entire world is in dire state with burgeoning economic, energy, environmental crisis demanding effective and honorable leadership in “Washington” to uplift the economic, social and political status of American people and the global community.

It is no secret that the national reputation under the incumbent administration has suffered enormously and would make no difference if the electorate choice for “Presidency” in 2008 is lacking in credibility, competence and commitment to resolve major national and international crises.

The former Vice President Al Gore’s mission to save the planet from further degradation will remain a feat in the twenty first century if “Washington” is not represented by dynamic and decisive leadership especially with respect to energy, defense and nuclear policy.

The frustrated and economically devastated electorate request the prospective candidates the former Vice President Al Gore and Senator Russ Feingold to consider the invitation seriously and step forward to accept the responsibility for the benefit of mankind, future of the Democratic Party, hopes and dreams of millions of Americans yearning for better life and above all a “Patriotic Duty” to defend and honor the great nation as the ‘President and the Vice President of the United States”.

A duty-bound solider or citizen never defies the call to serve the nation at the hour of need.

We are at the crossroads of choosing the leader not only to govern the powerful nation but also a visionary to lead the entire world in the direction of peace, progress and prosperity only possible with a team possessing leadership qualities to serve the highest office on land.

America, let us move forward with the two candidates the former Vice President Al Gore and Senator Russ Feingold for Democratic Party and battle against the presumptuous Republican nominee Senator John McCain and take the “White House” back for the good of humanity.

Remember the people have the “Power” in a democratic society to turn “possibility” into a “reality”. We have no time to rest but to act immediately and end this charade once and for all.

Please urge the Democratic National Committee, Congressional representatives and the prospective candidates to honor the above request and lead the Democratic Party to a stunning victory in the year 2008.

You owe it to yourself, your children, family and everything you live for.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant, Copyrights reserved

“Voice for humanity”