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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Earthquake in Chile

By Padmini Arhant

The devastating earthquake in Chile measuring 8.8 on the Richter scale is a humanitarian tragedy.

Unfortunately, an earthquake of this magnitude is humanity’s biggest challenge, despite tremendous progress made in monitoring the seismic activities around the world.

During events like these, Mother Nature’s act epitomizes the paradoxical universe.

On the one hand, the serenity resonating peace and harmony in Mother Nature that facilitates the nurturing of infinite species is incomprehensible and readily embraced by the inhabitants.

Contrarily, the wrath of Mother Nature revealed in the form of earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, tornado, typhoon…is feared and scorned by the species with the inherent discriminatory characteristics.

Loss of life in any manner, whether natural or human orchestrated wars are regrettable.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Humanitarian Challenge

By Padmini Arhant

Recently there was a flurry of criticisms and admonishments for the article titled “His Holiness Dalai Lama in Spotlight,” and the earlier ones related to the,

“Iranian Theocracy cracking down on pro-democracy protestors and the inflammatory rhetoric against Israel.”

Alternatively, the Israeli authorities’ oppression of the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank.

Likewise, social issues regarding human rights violation -

Self-interest and greed reflected in the globalization v. protectionism including,

The article on the racial attacks against the Indian students and other immigrants in Australia, scorned for delivery and the condemnation of discriminatory practices.

Hence, it’s important to clarify the difficulties surrounding when addressing social injustice of this enormity.

Please click on the URL for the rest of the article.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

His Holiness Dalai Lama in Spotlight

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama was a guest at the CNNs “Larry King Live,” show on Monday, February 22, 2010.

During the interview, the host, Larry King stated,

“Most Americans do not want the United States relationship strained with China over Tibet’s independence,” and asked for His Holiness response.

Interestingly, Mr. Larry King did not provide any specifics like which exactly these Americans are, the pollster name and details for authenticity.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, February 21, 2010

International General Elections - 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the newly elected and the incumbents re-elected for the office of Presidency in their respective nations.

President of the State of Bolivia - Juan Evo Morales Ayma, the indigenous head of state and the incumbent President re-elected in December 2009 for a second term. President Morales represents the MAS (Movement toward Socialism) political party.

President of the Republic of Croatia, Ivo Josipović representing the Social Democratic Party of Croatia elected on January 10, 2010.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, February 19, 2010

Reflection on the World Economic Forum – Davos, Switzerland

By Padmini Arhant

The World Economic Forum on January 27 – 31, 2010, at Davos, Switzerland contemplated the global economic crises.

Speakers from the large consortium expressed their thoughts and hope or the lack thereof about the global economic prospects at the annual meeting.

Summarizing the summit issues:

The general focus has been:

The economic recession.

The financial crisis and the need for financial reform.

U.S economy, the dollar, the deficits and the gridlock in Washington due to Special Interests’ control of Congress.

Skepticism on the EURO currency strength and concerns regarding European market from the economic struggles in Greece, Spain, Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Latvia to name a few.

Further exacerbated by the majority euro members surpassing the 3percent budget deficit cap, a criteria for the euro currency usage.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

People’s Republic of China - Domestic and Foreign Policy

By Padmini Arhant

There is an inherent danger in the hybrid economies with the state controlled capitalism conspicuous in the Google – China controversy with the hackers in China infiltrating the Gmail user accounts.

Having been threatened by Beijing recently, I can relate to the incident.

Hence my message to Beijing is:

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


By Padmini Arhant

The nation bid farewell to the two honorable members of Congress recognized as the veterans in national defense and politics.

Rep. John Murtha (June 17, 1932 – February 8, 2010)

John Murtha, a former Vietnam War veteran and then a Democrat in the United States House of Representatives from the 12th Congressional District, Pennsylvania, turned into a strong critic of the Iraq war.

Initially, Rep. Murtha joined the majority of the Democrats and voted for the Iraq war.

However, the Congressman reportedly remained confused about the premise surrounding the Iraqi invasion. Later, Rep. Murtha called for the troop withdrawal from Iraq.

Legislatively, the democrat representative served his constituents until the last moment and earned the reputation as the longest serving member in Congress for the state of Pennsylvania.

Like most public figures, Rep. John Murtha was criticized on ethics related to earmarks spending and receiving campaign contributions from the special interests.

Militarily, Colonel John Murtha appeared to have gained distinction for his service having won many Medals of Honor.

Appropriately, the Congress acknowledged Rep. John Murtha’s invaluable service to the nation.

The veteran Congressman will be missed in the strong dissent against the military presence in Iraq.
Charles Wilson (June 1, 1933 – February 10, 2010)

Charles Wilson - Previously, a United States naval officer and subsequently a 12 term Democrat Representative in the U.S House of Congress from the 2nd congressional district in Texas is remembered in the U.S operation against the Soviet Army in Afghanistan.

Rep. Wilson was apparently a true celebrity in many aspects with positive and negative connotations.

Nevertheless, the Congressman’s contribution towards the U.S expulsion of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan is memorable.

Similarly, Rep. Charles Wilson as the naval officer deserves credit for his service in the United States Navy and later at the Pentagon in the intelligence unit.

We hope and pray for their soul to rest in peace.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Iranian Crisis – A message for the Iranian regime and the Republic

By Padmini Arhant

Lately, the puppet President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad representing the Islamic Republic of Iran, addressed the captive audience falsely claimed as the “pro-government” and “anti-Western” protesters when they appeared to be the ‘oppressed’ choosing to remain silent amid government crackdown prevalent in the “pro-democracy” activism.

Since the fraudulent elections in June 2009, the Islamic Iran Participation Front, a reformist or the green party victory was suppressed violently by the Iranian theocracy.

The defiant autocrat Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed the incumbent candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the President in name only (INO).

Remaining article continue @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Congressional Conservatives’ Legislation Blockade

From: The Host with the Most - Padmini Arhant

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Congressional Conservatives’ Legislation Blockade

By Padmini Arhant

In the preceding article “Progressive Policy for National Progress and Prosperity,” I emphasized on the need to intercept the Congress gridlock by electing the ‘Progressives,’ in the Democratic Party.

Following news articles reaffirm such recommendation.

1. Congress trying to have it both ways on spending

Lawmakers lament rising deficits but fight for pet projects

By Carl Hulse – New York Times – February 7, 2010 -

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Progressive Policy for National Progress and Prosperity

By Padmini Arhant

People who are frustrated with ‘business as usual’ atmosphere - where necessary tax increases, reforms are voted against to the detriment of their loved ones’ health, economic and social well being, should speak their mind fearlessly to their representatives and make informed decisions on whether to retain or reject the official in office.

The country cannot afford to function on the idiosyncrasies exhibited by the ‘Nay’ Sayers for ideological purpose and win elections by pledging to strengthen the destructive element -the ‘filibuster,’ a weapon used by the anti-populist legislators.

Conservative and moderate democrats have their own style in blocking legislations and not surprisingly, it’s carried out at the industry lobbyists’ behest.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Passing Legislations in Congress - A Miracle or a Menace?

By Padmini Arhant

Democratic system around the world share many characteristics in essence. They are positive and negative in variable proportions. However, the constant problem in a democracy is arriving at a consensus on legislative matter between the rival political parties in power.

Both the Parliamentary and the Presidential form of governments are uniquely creative in their disagreement with the respective opponents. For instance, frequently in Taiwan and recently in India, the argument transform into a spectacle with heavy fistfights and wrestling among the legislators causing a commotion in the session.

United Kingdom Parliamentarians mock in chorus and Australia follows suit to identify with their ascendants.

In the United States, the opponents’ presentation is dramatic in a ‘show and tell,’ setting with a hyperbole characterization of the policy. Somehow, the critics fail to find any beneficial element in the bill. The fault is detected not so much in policy as noted during the health care legislation.

Opposition debate deviated from the content to the weight of the bill, in itself turning into a filibuster.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, February 5, 2010

California Status Quo under Republican leadership

By Padmini Arhant

Courtesy extended to enlighten the ignorant and the oblivious presenters representing the selective news media.

California economic and social calamity is falsely attributed to the “liberals” in the state by the illusionists in the magic kingdom.

Therefore, it’s important to dispel the myth and introduce sanity in the political discourse.

Being compelled by civic duty to lay facts against fiction - pervasive with respect to the California state affairs, the following data is presented for accuracy.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Response to President Bill Clinton

Dear Mr. President,

I appreciate you sharing your concerns regarding the 2010 elections, the priority for the democratic Congress.

The Democratic Party has suffered major setbacks in the recent elections and obviously, the trend cannot continue in the 2010 elections - for the work to rebuild our nation has just begun with Obama Presidency.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Response to Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Dear Madam Speaker,

I appreciate you sharing your concerns towards the Republican strategies against the democratic Congress.

The Democratic Party has suffered major setbacks in the recent elections and obviously, the trend cannot continue in the 2010 elections - for the work to rebuild our nation has just begun with Obama Presidency.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

American Democracy at Work

Dear Fellow Americans,

The health care legislation is being stalled in Congress by the legislators on the special interests’ payroll.

Despite being well informed on the horrendous economic liability accumulated to our national debt from the abominable health care costs and that an estimated 45,000 Americans are dying every year due to lack of health insurance, these legislators simply don’t care about these facts because they feel secure about their job.

Is American Democracy so weak that you will take a “NO” for everything that concerns your interest from the party of “NO” aka GOP, The Grand Obstructionist Party and the special interest loyalist on the democratic side?

C’mon America, show your power. Call your local representatives in the House and the Senate and demand that you want the health care legislation now.

Remember, the crying baby is the one that gets the mother’s attention.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Response to President Barack Obama - Re State of the Union Address

By Padmini Arhant

Hon. President Barack Obama
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President,

I appreciate you sharing your concerns and the strategies to revive the economy, the priority for the democratic Congress.

The Democratic Party has suffered major setbacks in the recent elections and obviously, the trend cannot continue in the 2010 elections - for the work to rebuild our nation has just begun with your Presidency.

Considering the American plight particularly in the job front, the economic measures taken thus far by your administration is reassuring and the challenge lies in the legislation approval, amid lack of cooperation from the Republican members in Congress.

Although, you are earnestly seeking bipartisanship in the legislative process, the opposition is utilizing the cynical response to stall progress for political reasons especially in the election year.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Reponse to your letter also sent via regular mail.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

President Obama’s $3.8 trillion Budget

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama unveiled his 10-year macro budget with various economic commitments.

2011 Fiscal Budget is projected with the total revenue $2.56 trillion and total spending @ 3.83 trillion leaving a deficit @1.27trillion.

Rest of the article available @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant