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Thursday, July 23, 2009

National Unemployment and the Economic Status

By Padmini Arhant

The ravenous economy has absorbed about $3.7 trillion dollars via bailouts and stimulus plans, (please refer to individual stimulus package topics for breakdown) yet the nation’s jobless rate rising like a tidal wave rather than settling along the shores. Several arguments mounting regarding the precarious job situation across the nation with some fifteen states like California, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and others experiencing double digit in job losses accumulated over a period of time.

Not surprisingly, criticisms with an ominous prediction such as a possible return of the ‘Great Depression’ from various political and economic factions pouring against the current administration’s level of action and apparent inaction in averting the precipitous decline of the job market...

Please check out the related topics Economic Bailouts on an Unprecedented Scale, Bush Bailout Packages and Obama Bailout Packages with more on the way.

Further riveting details and visuals @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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