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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Capitalism alias Communism

By Padmini Arhant

Throw a treat to the man’s best friend and he/she will do any tricks for you.
Not quite true, contrarily some canines unlike the ‘few’ in their masters’ species resist being the “Pavlov’s dog.” Besides loyalty, the canines’ discriminative power is unparallel to the particular voices on the airwaves and cable news network ever willing to perform on the note – ‘show me the bait and leave the trashing to…’

Lately, with the relevant media on vacation, the field is wide open and vulnerable for dumping wastes of all kind. As usual, the specific network presenting ideas and style taken right out of their targets’ page yet choosing to remain oblivious to 'plagiarism,' do not refrain from permanent attack politics.

Rest avaialble @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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