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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fort Hood, Texas Tragedy

By Padmini Arhant

The shooting in Fort Hood, Texas killing 13 service men and women, besides leaving several wounded is a great humanitarian tragedy. Whenever there is loss of innocent lives from a shooting rampage of this kind or in the war zones, no reason can possibly justify the action.

Regardless of the suspect’s background, a decision to take the life of another human being is not a prerogative and certainly not granted by any religion followed by many across the globe.

Human actions driven by personal convictions against events deserve isolation from the religious connotation.

Plainly spoken, Islam is a religion of peace like every other religion in the world. There are scores of pious Muslims practicing their faith and engaged in various humanitarian deeds. Any discriminatory comments or religious slander would only exacerbate the situation rather than healing the wound on all sides.

Remaining article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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