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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Celebrating Fourth of July – Independence Day

By Padmini Arhant

July 4th is a glorious occasion for all Americans. On this day, the native and the naturalized citizens come together to cherish the individual freedom that still remains a far-fetched dream for many around the world.

Independence Day is an opportunity to commemorate the nation’s birthday. It honors the founding fathers’ wisdom, resolve and vision for the country they pledged to serve not only during their lifetime, but also beyond the foreseeable future.

“All are created equal and born to be free,” – the natural law has been discarded by human race since evolution and the dominance of some over others is exercised as an “entitlement.”

Liberty is an inalienable right of every life on earth. Yet, freedom is seized from the weak and forced to pay a price through sacrifice and prolonged struggle to regain the fundamental right.

For the unfortunate, the oppression continues without a ray of hope in the lifelong battle that spans over generations.

The minority that controls the majority justify their actions through various interpretations, despite the evidence proving otherwise.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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