With the Democratic primaries in progress, the electorate is given an opportunity to evaluate the complexity of the “Presidential race” with serious “electability” issues in November 2008. As we all know, the general election is the determining process for the contenders representing both political factions.
Both Democratic candidates have been vigorously campaigning in the states of Indiana and North Carolina for the primaries on May 6th, 2008. The various polls have indicated the status of Clinton and Obama candidacies according to the developments in the past week. The outcome will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates and the dynamics then onwards. Even, if the candidates win the primaries within a margin or substantial lead, the formidability against the presumptive Republican nominee John McCain will remain an important issue given the impressive “status quo” of the republican candidate.
It is worth remembering from history that one should never underestimate one’s opponent. Despite the economic recession, disastrous Iraq war, skyrocketing energy prices, lack of health care, education, environment policies, the presumptive nominee is leading the Democratic candidate Senator Barack Obama by a considerable margin while trailing behind Senator Hillary Clinton by an insignificant margin that could be concluded as a “tie” between them right now, when the Democratic contenders should be establishing a comfortable lead nationwide.
What does this mean?
The negative aspects from the recent developments have contributed to the Democratic contenders descend in the regional and national polls. The surrogates and supporters of both Democratic candidates might discount the present “electability” scenario as momentary fluctuations and move forward with the coronation of the choice of their candidate. It is imperative for the electorate and the “unpledged delegates” to be discerning and diligent in allowing this process because of the repercussions in the general election.
It is the duty and responsibility of the electorate, media, press corps and the Party officials to examine the potential risks involved in choosing the nominee with proven controversies that poses numerous queries prevalent in the electorate mind now and during the general election. The doubts have transcended into belief in recent polls.
Why is it important to subject candidates to scrutiny?
As stated earlier, the candidates are running for the highest office on land and the entire world. The office of the “President of the United States” matters not only to the people of this nation but the entire world. The most powerful nation’s leadership is entrusted with serious responsibilities and decision making obligations that has direct impact on the lives of the entire population of this nation and the world. It is not uncommon to draw a veil over surrounding controversies and issues by all candidates to prevail in their respective political agenda.
In the real world, a student applying for college admission or a job applicant seeking a position in any discipline with any organization is subject to grueling and rigorous enrolment or employment process ranging from academic achievements to physical, social skills and a major emphasis on conduct and character as the criteria for eligibility to succeed in the respective goals.
However, when the democratic process fails to set similar standards while electing leadership to govern the nation and the entire world, it is reflective of the lack of discernment, respect, interest and importance for the office of “Presidency” as experienced in the past eight years.
In light of the above argument, it is essential to scrutinize the candidates’ eligibility to the office of the “Presidency”. The news media bias in revealing or concealing the inherent character flaws of the candidates is fortunately overcome by the electorate through unprohibited access to the information high way.
The contemporary world is different in this aspect as the electorate at free will can obtain unfiltered and uncensored information from diverse internet sources to aid in their decision making matter.
The current “Presidential candidates” have their own share of problems and controversies inherited from the past and exhibited in the present bid to the “White House”. It is necessary for the electorate, media and the press corps to seek truth, transparency and integrity from these contenders as character been an important component and criteria for leadership since time immemorial.
The negligence in this respect in the year 2000 and subsequently in 2004 has subject the nation and the international community to horrendous economic, energy, environment and political crises.
The past week has been dominated by controversies surrounding the candidate Senator Barack Obama. There are several views and opinions on whether the candidate should be held accountable for associations and acquaintance up until recently with the controversial figures and how does this impact the “electability” of the candidate in the general election?
Given the past performance of the Republican Party in the general election, these issues however avoided by the liberal media and the Democratic Party will continue to challenge the once “inevitable” victory to the Democratic Party to a probable defeat in the general election.
As demonstrated in recent polls, the “Rev. Wright” controversy has undeniably caused damage and elevated risks for the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. It has further aroused suspicions in the minds of the electorate regarding the formidability of the candidate Senator Barack Obama.
The television appearances and press interviews to overcome the present and imminent future crisis is understandably viewed as a desperate measure to salvage the situation by ignoring the serious consequences in the general election.
It would be naïve to discard and dismiss criticisms by the concerned electorate and others regarding the “judgment” factor, the premise of the Obama campaign against the democratic and the republican opponent alike in the never-ending “Rev. Wright” controversy.
The information across the cyberspace has unveiled the ammunitions at the Republican Party disposal against both Democratic candidates but it is important to focus on the candidate acknowledged as the ultimate choice based on the “mathematical” concept for the nomination process.
At present, there are issues being raised by the electorate as valid and legitimate reservations against the “default” nominee Senator Barack Obama;
1. Senator Barack Obama during his speech delivered on March 18th, 2008 following the airing of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s dramatic rhetoric, ascribed to the relationship with his former pastor as;
Source – “WORLD NET DAILY” (Thank you).
“And this helps explain, perhaps, my relationship with Reverend Wright. As imperfect as he may be, he has been like family to me. He strengthened my faith, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children. Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect. He contains within him the contradictions – the good and the bad – of the community that he has served diligently for so many years.
I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother.
I have already condemned, in unequivocal terms, the statements of Reverend Wright that have caused such controversy.
For some, nagging questions remain.
Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course.
Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.”
Much to the anguish and disappointment of all those currently behind the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama, Rev. Wright defended himself in his own right through “high profile” consecutive appearances with various focus groups including the “National Press Club.”
Source - NPR.org, April 29, 2008 · The following is a transcript of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's remarks about his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. This speech was delivered in Hickory, N.C., on Tuesday, April 29, one day after Wright appeared at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to address accusations that he had made inflammatory remarks about the United States. The transcript was provided by the Federal News Service. – (Thank you).
“Yesterday, we saw a very different vision of America. I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday.
You know, I have been a member of Trinity United Church of Christ since 1992. I have known Rev. Wright for almost 20 years. The person I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago. His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate, and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church.
Now, I've already denounced the comments that had appeared in these previous sermons.
As I said, I had not heard them before.”
The contradictory statements from the Illinois Senator Barack Obama during his speeches on two different occasions concerning “Rev. Wright” unarguably provides legitimate reasons for critics and discerning electorate to question the “judgment” “loyalty” and “Patriotism” factor from the candidate seeking the office of the “Presidency of United States.”
The inconsistency in the statements by the Senator ferments the argument for the electorate that despite knowing his former pastor intimately for twenty years as described by the Senator himself, he has been unable to change or influence the “mindset” of the controversial Rev. Wright about the nation that has embraced human race across the globe and provided unlimited opportunities for all like a mother towards her children with an unconditional love.
The question arises about Senator Barack Obama’s leadership ability to transform “Washington Politics”, the other premise of his campaign, considering the above fact with “Rev. Wright.”
Please note these are few among several ammunitions available for the Republican Party in the general election against the once “formidable” candidate Senator Barack Obama.
2. The fund raising by the Obama campaign particularly over the internet was driven by the slogan, “it does not take a dime” from the “Special Interests Group” and that it is entirely funded by the grassroots supporters.
The overflowing of funds from the grassroots supporters to the candidacy in view of the slogan was unprecedented in the “Presidential Campaign” thus far.
The underlying facts with respect to “Special Interests” affiliations indicated otherwise according to the following sources:
“Source: Democracynow.org February 06, 2008 and February 08, 2008
Super Tuesday Roundtable with Bill Fletcher of The Black Commentator, Sociologist Frances Fox Piven, Roberto Lovato of New America Media, and Progressive Democrats of America Director Tim Carpenter
Paul Gunter, Director of the Reactor Oversight Project at the Beyond Nuclear, an advocacy group opposed to nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
FRANCES FOX PIVEN: Whose program do we like? Who is stronger, Hillary or Barack? Or was it Edwards in an earlier phase? I think that, look, these are all ambitious people. They all take money from unsavory sources. They’re all determined to win, to beat out their competitors. They all evade the troublesome issues in American society, if they can.
ROBERTO LOVATO: Well, Hillary Clinton gets a lot of money from military-industrial interests. Barack Obama’s, contrary to what he said on that clip you showed, his main group of funders is Goldman Sachs, according to Open Secrets.
AMY GOODMAN: We have a roundtable discussion on this post-Super Tuesday. Tim Carpenter, I wanted go back to you in Massachusetts—you came out very clearly strongly for Senator Barack Obama—and ask you questions about your concerns about his record. For example, the strong support for the nuclear industry.
The New York Times had a piece this weekend talking about Obama falsely claiming during a campaign debate that he had passed legislation in the Senate at the request of Illinois anti-nuclear activists to require better public disclosure about nuclear plant leaks, when in fact the legislation never passed, that while he did initially introduce legislation, his staff repeatedly watered it down after meeting with the nuclear industry.
Among Barack Obama’s top contributors are nuclear power industry, Exelon, the corporation. Your thoughts just on that.
PAUL GUNTER: One of the main concerns is that both Clinton and Obama have very strong backing, financial backing, from the major CEOs from the nuclear industry.
For Senator Obama, the chief executive officer, John Rowe, with Exelon Nuclear, Chicago-based, largest nuclear utility in the country; and
Senator Clinton has strong financial backing from David Crane, who’s the CEO for NRG Energy, which is based in New Jersey. Both Exelon and NRG right now have got applications before the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to build new nuclear power stations in Texas.
So it’s disturbing that both Senators Obama and Clinton left out nuclear in their Utah speech, but we’ve seen that basically this kind of indecisiveness, you know, being all over the board indicates that influence-peddling with the nuclear power industry is alive and well on Capitol Hill and in these presidential campaigns.”
3. More explosive facts and segments available for use against the Democratic contenders Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton by the supporters of the Republican Party in the general election.
“Michelle Obama Hates America!
Michelle Obama: That's America!
1. Hillary Clinton See duplicate videos
2.Hillary Clinton, official candidate for president, Hillary Rodham Clinton, dynastic megalomaniac politician. Americans are polarized about Hillary Clinton as with no other politician. Senator Clinton (more)
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http://barelyPolitical.com has unearthed the following footage of Hillary Clinton visiting
CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.
CBS news exposes the real story of Hillary Clintons 1996 trip to
Voice for Humanity
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