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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wisconsin State Budget Resolution and Preserving Workers’ Rights

By Padmini Arhant

In the State of Wisconsin thousands of protesters are defending the collective bargaining rights staved off in an attempt to deprive workers across the economy from any benefits viewed as liability by the Republican majority.

Budget crisis is widespread within United States and around the world.

As a result the governments at all levels have been adopting severe austerity targeting the worst affected demography through spending cuts on essential programs further exacerbating the vulnerable population plight.

Although the cuts are necessary – the focus is on the vast majority dependent vital services rather than eliminating redundant costs and trimming discretionary investments that are untimely and unaffordable.

Similarly balancing the budget without any revenue from increased productivity or tax hikes on the wealthiest including products and services that are detrimental to health as well as general environment contributes to the growing anti-austerity measures viz. Greece, Ireland and United Kingdom.

Wisconsin for instance could review the areas to generate revenue from manufacturing - being one of the economic strengths in addition to,

The tax rates on personal income especially the top bracket and sales tax that is comparatively lower than other states in the nation.

There appears to be no inheritance tax with the large estate taxes again arbitrarily collected.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tyranny and Turmoil under Muammar Gaddafi

By Padmini Arhant

As the revolution gains victory in the east, Gaddafi is losing grip on power despite the innocent civilian massacre and soldiers slain for refusing to fire at the unarmed citizens in Tripoli as well as territories under brutal control.

Although Muammar Gaddafi is portrayed as defiant, he is rattled by the unfolding rapid developments.

Not long ago Muammar Gaddafi willfully surrendered his nuclear ambitions and invited the International Atomic Energy Agency for inspection.

Muammar Gaddafi also accepted responsibility for the terror attack in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing of the Pan AM flight that claimed 270 lives and reportedly paid $2.7 billion (Dinar 9.90 billion) to the victims’ families.

Earlier on the US bombing of Libya in April 1986 under former President Ronald Reagan killed many residents including Gaddafi’s adopted daughter at that time.

The twelve minutes air raid targeted Libyan air defenses, three army bases, and two airfields dropping 60 tons of ammunitions notwithstanding the diplomatic and civilian sites in Tripoli.

Subsequently the warm relations between the petro dictator and the western leaderships up until now signified the complacency to the tyrannical rule.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

U.S. NATO, UNSC and UN Clarifications Required on Libya

By Padmini Arhant


Is NATO Preparing to Invade Libya?

What is UNSC action on ‘No Fly Zone’ proposal by Libyan victims dying from artillery shelling?

Does Libya matter to U.S. in the same manner as Iraq did in 2003?

United States positioned as the leader of the free world and the United Nations as the umbrella organization for the international community including Libya and,

NATO representing the U.S. and European Union dependent on Libyan oil for the economy are yet to offer legitimate explanation on all of the above questions related to Libya.

Additionally the U.S. has not clarified the bizarre stance for not having directly condemned the brutal dictator Muammar Gaddafi and his sons Saif al-Islam Gaddafi as well as Mutassim Gaddafi implicated with evidence on hiring henchmen to murder Libyan civilians.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Libyan Regime Ultimatum to People

By Padmini Arhant

Libyan regime’s heir - Muammar Gaddafi’s son appeared on national television to warn the people to relent or deal with more casualties emphasizing that they will be confronting Colonel Gaddafi.

The self-proclaimed unknown leader has generously provided 48 hours for the oppressed mass to respond to the ultimatum.

There is a serious misconception in this context as it is a common syndrome among despotic leaderships.

The people have conveyed their message loud and clear on their decision to end the 42 years of oppressive era.

If the Gaddafis’ were paying any attention to Egypt revolution they would realize that pro-democracy movement do not negotiate with dictatorships.

Any use of force or threat to unarmed civilians will not be tolerated and it would be the worst blunder for the regime and the influential powers behind them.

The embattled Libyan leaderships also implied that United States and European Union will not approve the political transition for economic interests.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Libyan Army Attack Against Peaceful and Non-Violent Protesters

By Padmini Arhant

The Arab world is rocked by the peaceful and non-violent protests determined to end autocratic rule in the region.

According to the news reports - the governments in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen are using firearms against their citizens in the violent crackdowns to quell pro-democracy peace rally.

From Libya - The peaceful protester account to CNN on Saturday February 19, 2011 while pleading for help clarified that the Libyan Army lied to the crowd by posing as their sympathizers then turned around and fired at the unarmed civilians in a reproachable response to anti-government peaceful assembly.

Earlier on the news reports revealed the aerial shooting from the helicopters resulting in more casualties thus far.

The governments’ deceitful tactics is a cowardly act deserving worldwide indignation.

International community can no longer be silent spectators to the government brutal attacks against peaceful dissent.

It is clear from the ground activities in the capital city Tripoli and other metropolitan areas like Benghazi that -

Libya’s Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi and Brigadier General Salih Rajab al-Mismari currently serving as Secretary of the General People’s Committee of Libya for Public Security are directly responsible for the merciless killing of more than 300 people with at least 15 others fatally shot at the funeral in the latest government violence against the citizens.

Colonel Gaddafi like most dictatorships assumed power in a coup d’état and has remained in office against republic will for nearly 42 years and the leader is quoted to have stated the following:

• “I am an international leader, the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam (leader) of Muslims, and my international status does not allow me to descend to a lower level.”

“There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory without swords, without guns, without conquests.”


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Egypt Political Transition To Democratic Rule

By Padmini Arhant

Egypt revolution having liberated their nation from over three decades of oppression is justifiably jubilant as they enter the preliminary phase in democracy.

Since the power has been transferred to Egyptian Supreme Council for Armed Forces reportedly briefing the U.S. military high command and defense secretary throughout the uprising and following the dictatorial Presidency termination,

There are legitimate concerns among the pro-democracy movement regarding the transition process under military rule.

The Supreme Council for Armed forces in their statement outlined the immediate tasks to be performed with details to follow later.

Egyptian revolution requests for republic governed democracy are:


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Egypt Revolution Demand Mubarak Regime Dismissal

By Padmini Arhant

Egypt political stalemate into third week is reportedly met with clashes between pro and anti-government rallies following the provocative announcement by Vice President Omar Suleiman that the state of emergency will not be lifted claiming Egypt is not ready for democracy.

The revolution demand for Mubarak regime immediate dismissal was based on the government reluctance to relinquish power and prolong authoritarianism against the vast majority opposition.

It was evident from the government reaction that political transition would be impossible under the Mubarak administration emboldened by the allies’ insistence on the continual Mubarak leadership for any political evolution.

The Vice President’s reckless remarks are reprehensible and legitimize republic concern accompanied by the unanimous call for President Mubarak and entire cabinet instant removal from power.

Any procrastination from the government due to internal or external influences in obliging citizens’ request to leave office would exacerbate the political turmoil with regional impact.

Presidential resignation including cabinet members discharge from duty is a priority and no longer negotiable with people having conveyed their message loud and clear.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Egyptian Revolution for President Hosni Mubarak Resignation

By Padmini Arhant

President Hosni Mubarak defiance to republic call for his immediate resignation is prolonging the political standoff between the people and leadership.

The Egyptian President expressed strong desire to leave office in a public statement – “I am fed up of being President for thirty long years and I wish to quit now.”

Accordingly the resignation was expected from the leader for peaceful political transition after the national conflict having claimed many innocent lives and brought the country to the brink of civil war.

Now the dramatic decision to stay in power and political imprisonment of the uprising organizers as witnessed with the people representative and Parliament opposition leader Ayman Nour recently is counterproductive for the leadership and against national interest.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Resignation

By Padmini Arhant

President Hosni Mubarak expressing desire to quit needs to be exemplified in action with immediate resignation from office.

The President’s resignation in honor of the republic will for a fundamental political transformation would resolve the national conflict and prevent further exacerbation of political unrest having claimed many lives.

President Hosni Mubarak concern for the violence in Tahrir Square, Cairo is appreciative.

However the situation is predominantly attributed to state-sponsored infiltration in the peaceful and non-violent demonstration thus far resulting in casualties that are unacceptable.

The government bears responsibility to citizens’ safety and national security. It is imperative for the deployed military personnel to restore law and order.

Those in violation of the law are to be isolated from the peaceful protesters and security measures enforced to terminate clashes between the pro and anti-government rallies.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Middle East Republic Revolution

By Padmini Arhant

The pro-democracy protest in Egypt is currently developed into Million Citizens March demanding the dictatorial power resignation remaining defiant in prolonging the undemocratic rule.

Meanwhile the latest report on February 1, 2011 from Washington D.C. issued by the U.S. State Department is -

“State Dept. spokesman P.J. Crowley reiterated the White House’s position that President Mubarak must enact political and economic reforms as he pledged. We want to see concrete actions that show the government of Egypt is responding to the aspirations of the Egyptian people.”

For the U.S. administration’s kind information – the aspirations of the Egyptian people is the removal of repressive regime headed by their embattled ally President Hosni Mubarak.

Ignoring the republic will for fundamental change beginning with the head of the state is categoric refusal of real democracy for vested interests.

Further the U.S. double standards in foreign policy is accentuated through staunch support for totalitarian governments across the Middle East with selective elimination of adversary (once an ally) Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein through warfare while protecting the strategic partner President Hosni Mubarak against Egyptian citizens’ peaceful plea for his ousting.

Again the differential policy maintained despite widespread persecution and human rights violation throughout West Asia.

It is ominously clear that such discriminatory foreign policy foments disenfranchisement contributing to the status quo.

Tunisian deposed leader Ben Ali and now Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as well as several other U.S allies would not be in power without the established complacency to despotism.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant