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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why Public Option is not an option in the Historic Health Care Reform?

By Padmini Arhant

During the Presidential election campaign in 2008, despite the encouraging endorsement from the “Majority White,” electorate in Iowa, the media, the African American caucus and the Democratic Party wrote off the Obama candidacy in the wake of New Jersey and Nevada results favoring the then formidable opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton representing the establishment in the Democratic Party.

It could be a distant memory. Nevertheless, the reality of an African-American candidate as the 44th President of the United States made possible by the average citizens from all walks of life representing the stars and stripes who came forward in multitudes with donations ranging from a dollar to an affordable amount, seeking the long overdue change in Washington.

It certainly didn’t emerge from the political realm or within the Party and various African American organizations who were cautiously weighing in on the direction of the political storm.

Remaining article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Star is Born - The Son of God as the Savior

By Padmini Arhant

The world rejoices the birth of a star from heaven whose mere presence on earth salvaged the misguided, illuminated the ignorant and enlightened the pious. This shining brilliant light dispelled the darkness by spreading knowledge about truth, love and inner peace. The reference made to none other than the Lord Jesus, the son of God as the savior.

Lord Jesus is not only the guiding force for the followers of Christianity but also others from the secular base. As a noble yet humble preacher, Lord Jesus touched upon innumerous hearts and minds with his profound message for humanity. Jesus demonstrated his teachings through indomitable service and sacrifice to lead mankind towards salvation.

Those who followed Lord Jesus attained sainthood and became worthy of worship. While others found a purpose to life. Jesus taught human beings to be caring, loving and compassionate to one another. Despite the passage of time, Lord Jesus is the glory of God.

Remaining article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Message to the President and Congress

From: Padmini Arhant

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Congratulations! On the health care bill victory.

My compliments to the members in the United States Senate in passing the historic legislation, even though I have reservations about the main content, details presented in the earlier article.

I sincerely hope that the people of this great nation will not be let down in the final deal.

It’s a monumental feat and the people have every reason to expect the best outcome favoring the mass across the spectrum and not merely the industries that are primarily responsible for the status quo.

Remaining content continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Public Opposition to Senate Health Care Bill

By Padmini Arhant

The Senate health care bill is about to seal the deal with the insurance and the drug companies reportedly having invested a significant proportion of the total worth $3.3 billion in lobbying Congress. Further, according to the Center for Responsive Politics the health insurance industry spent millions of dollars on the top five senators overseeing the senate health care bill.

Had not only the Senators delivered to the insurance industry and the Big Pharma by rejecting the people’s choices of a single payer system or the public option to induce real competition ensuring a windfall for everyone of them but also,

Remaining article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Monday, December 21, 2009

COP15 – Copenhagen 2009 Tentative Accord

By Padmini Arhant

The two-week long climate summit evidently dissatisfied the scientific and the international community despite the arrival of the world leaders from around two hundred countries to discuss the climate change confronting humanity at the present time. Although, the international forum provided the platform to share the concerns among the delegates representing many nations, the entry prohibition to the civil society and other legitimate voices is undemocratic aside from being discriminatory towards the nexus organizations.

It appears the contentious issues demanding focus include the following:

Please refer to for the remaining article.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Senate Health Care Bill – Defrauding Democracy

By Padmini Arhant

The Senate is moving forward to wrap up the ‘historic legislation’ as a Christmas gift to their campaign financiers, the insurance industry. Although, the sound bites deceptively imply the magnanimous favor to the American public, the hostage in the ‘so-called’ health care reform, the reality is examine worthy.

The fact of the matter is the bill cannot be any more hostile to the American people as the taxpayers, the consumers and the electorate in a democracy. It targets the employers i.e. the small businesses, medium and large corporations, the dwindling middle-class and the struggling working class forced to buy private insurance with penalty imposition on the employers and individuals along with the Medicare expansion denial to senior citizens between the age group 55-64.

Remaining article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, December 11, 2009

COP15 – Copenhagen 2009

By Padmini Arhant

I welcome all nations attending the climate summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. It’s a symbolic recognition of the ‘greenhouse gases’ affecting humanity at the present time.

Since the nations across the globe have come together to arrive at a consensus in containing the burgeoning environmental crisis threatening life existence and sustenance on earth, it’s vital to display solidarity in dealing with the humanitarian challenge.

Prior to the conference, the anti-environmentalists coalesced to spread the propaganda against global warming through ambiguous data arousing skepticism in the public mind. Unfortunately, whenever there is opposition to a common cause benefiting humanity, the isolated views temporarily overshadow the reality. Therefore, it’s necessary for the world population to invade the fiction with facts during such meeting or any other time.

For the remaining article, please click on

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Mighty Deception – War and Politics

By Padmini Arhant

The West Point address delivered by President Barack Obama on the troops surge resonate the message from the former President George W. Bush then amassing support for troop expansion in Iraq. Therefore, it is no surprise and not hard to figure out the source providing the material.

Since invasion, Afghan war is presented as the war of ‘necessity’ against the Iraq war of ‘choice.’ Indisputably, on September 11, 2001 there were over three thousand lives mercilessly and willfully murdered through pre-meditated, callous act apparently by the terror organization Al-Qaida but seemingly masterminded by the alleged real terror, the Cabal wreaking havoc on the planet thus far.

Remaining article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Reality of the Afghan and Iraq War - Myth Behind the Troop Surge

By Padmini Arhant

I urge every reader of this article to view the contents of the preceding article published under the title ‘Global Terrorism – 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden Revelations,’ International Politics, on this website,

The adapted articles and segments substantiates the fact that 9/11 attack could have been prevented at all costs and the terror leader Osama Bin Laden apprehended during many opportunities presented time and again.

Article continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Terrorism - 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden Revelations

By Padmini Arhant

It is evident from recent terror attacks around the world, that democracies or other form of governments are incapacitated in dealing with security issues on national and international level.

The perennial War on Terrorism has invigorated worldwide fundamentalism aside draining the economies.

It is important for the global community to come forward and demand a legitimate explanation for their government’s impotence in establishing peace as opposed to war against human race.

Remaining article could be viewed @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Message Alert to America and the Rest of the World

By Padmini Arhant

I’ll release my response shortly to the recent development on the Afghan war and the West Point address by President Barack Obama.

I urge every American to take responsibility for actions committed on their behalf and in their name on foreign locations through political activities and wars by the powerful establishment such as the Military Industrial Complex that not only undermines the American democracy but also serves as the primary reason for global terrorism against American lives.

These are serious times demanding absolute attention because ‘Change’ cannot happen with one person’s voice and it’s imperative for every human being on this earth to think and contemplate over the powerful controlling the destiny of billions of lives through dominance and unconstitutional interference in political domain.

Remaining article available @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Checks and Balances - Afghan War Strategy

By Padmini Arhant

In my earlier post, World Peace – Part 1, I mentioned about the military might prevalent in the economic and political aspects governing the domestic and the international societies. Although, it’s not a revelation that the military industrial complex (MIC) authority spreads beyond the realm of providing national security, it’s imperative to study the extent of the institutional power.

Besides the limited constitutional role by the military to defend the nation upon real and potential attack, the unconstitutional engagements are expansive and encroaching on the general society.

Often, it’s the ‘potential’ more than the ‘real’ threats or attacks that are the premise for the prolonged military operation proved extremely lucrative in the prolific conventional and nuclear arms race.

Remaining facts detailed @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Afghanistan – The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) Indefinite Mission

By Padmini Arhant

The White House and the Congress members are back at work after a refreshing break from the ‘Thanksgiving’ holiday that allows the average and the privileged citizens to celebrate the family moments together. Not all are able to participate in the long held tradition due to the ceaseless demands of the high commanders, the real authority in the system disguised as democracy.

Military Industrial Complex (MIC) troops expansion policy is having a nuclear impact on the nucleus of the Army, the brave men and women in harm’s way as evidenced in the following reports:

From 1st Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally said of soldiers from Able Troop, 3-71 Cavalry Squadron:

“They become your family and being able to eat together like this, to break bread together is a highlight.”

“We’re thankful for all still being here. We’ve been lucky,

From Padmini Arhant: For the kind attention of,

President Barack Obama, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Diane Feinstein and the united Republican members of Congress endorsing the enormous troop buildup,

Would you, perhaps consider either matching or exceeding the incredible sacrifice by the honorable Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally in the following manner?

As per the above report, “1st Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally, a father of three from Deltona, Fla., has spent four ‘Thanksgivings, three Christmases and “quite a few birthdays” away from home.”

More realities presented @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant