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Monday, August 31, 2009

Finance Sector and Economic Impact

By Padmini Arhant

When the Bush administration officially recognized the economic recession in late December 2007, the malignant cancer in the financial sector was widespread - originating from gross mismanagement, underhand dealings, some in breach of lenient SEC regulations… a scenario analogous to the health abuse by overindulging individuals submitting to a potentially terminal illness.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nation Bids Farewell to the Hon. Senator Edward M. Kennedy

By Padmini Arhant

The moment has arrived for the nation to acknowledge the final departure of their tireless and long serving representative, Senator Ted Kennedy, the youngest son of America’s beloved family.

Senator Kennedy, the brave survivor of many family tragedies was a true warrior in various aspects. The Senator zealously battled for the large segments of the society on significant issues and health care was the top priority among them. Senator Kennedy delivered the health care speech with sincere emotion and great concern for the neglected groups in our society.

Please refer to for the remaining content.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Remembering the Service of the Honorable. Senator Edward M. Kennedy

By Padmini Arhant

The passing away of Senator Edward Kennedy, one of the longest serving public officials in the United States Senate has created a vacuum in the battlefield for humanitarian cause. Senator Kennedy’s representation on many issues remembered nationwide. Among them, the Senator’s relentless effort to bring equality and justice to the poor and underprivileged in the hallmark healthcare, education and immigration was commendable. There is more reason to pass the public option health care reform as a tribute to the deceased Senator.

Senator Kennedy fought for millions in not only his constituency but also the entire nation with passion and power. The Senator extended his service beyond shorelines in ways to resolve the international conflict such as the Northern Ireland peace process. Senator Kennedy was committed and dedicated in helping citizens of stars and stripes achieve their American dream.

The national recognition of Senator Kennedy as ‘The Lion of the Senate’ personified in the Senator’s role in every legislative matter of great value and importance to all people regardless of socio-economic status.

Senator Ted Kennedy lived up to the reputation of the Kennedy legacy in national service. As a true patriot, the Senator deeply cared and carried out the legislative duties and responsibilities diligently and frequently in a bipartisan manner, a monumental achievement in contemporary politics.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy will be truly missed by the nation, while his service commemorated now and in the future as the member of the iconic Kennedy family and the esteemed United States Senate.

No words can possibly heal the moment of sorrow except time.

Time is the best healer and trusting in the brighter tomorrow ease the pain experienced during the natural events in life.

I convey my heartfelt condolences to the Kennedy family, friends and the entire nation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Due to technical difficulty at the personal end, the delay occurred in posting the message earlier on. Please accept my apologies for the time lapse.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Afghanistan War and Election

By Padmini Arhant

The nation ravaged with decades of wars, terrorism, militant rule and occupation goes to the polls to exercise the basic human right, a privilege in this part of the world , while taken for granted in the U.S.of A as reflected in the health care battle.

Afghanistan known for the ruggedness and terrains with the Khyber Pass enabling invaders to move across the foreign territories in a manner as the ‘no-man’s land’ ignoring the inhabitants scattered around the vast mountainous regions.

Afghan demography is complex and beyond the grasp of understanding for Western powers and even its Central Asian neighbors. The Imperial powers from the British, Russian and now the American & NATO forces have struggled to enforce any form of stability, political or otherwise.

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Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 20, 2009

National Health Care Forum with President Obama

By Padmini Arhant

Despite grueling experiences and horrifying facts from millions of people across the nation, the health care debate bogged down by distortions, lies and deceptive tactics from the representatives of anti-national progress.

Please join President Barack Obama and rescue our nation from the partisan politics and demagoguery that dominates every legislation for national interest.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Reference: San Jose Mercury News, Thursday, August 20, 2009 – Thank you.

Readers’ Letters:

Government Option Needed:

Friday, my son underwent a five-hour surgery to reconstruct his cheekbone after a brutal, unprovoked attack two weeks prior. He has insurance through his university that ends mid-September with no option for COBRA extension. It is the policy of every private insurance company in California to deny coverage for six months following any surgery.

Our son will not have any option to purchase health insurance at any price for five months. He will be in the words of an industry representative, “on his own.”

Most of the anger in today’s health debate seems to result from conjectures about the future based on fear. My anger results from conclusions about the present based on fact.

As a minimum, we need a government option to today’s system.

Tom Martin

Padmini –

Thanks again for signing up to be a part of the OFA National Health Care Forum with President Obama.

The event is today (Thursday, August 20th) at 2:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. CT/12:30 p.m. MT/11:30 a.m. PT.

You can watch the forum live at:

This is an incredible opportunity to huddle with the President and discuss how we’re going to pass real health insurance reform this year. Glad you can make it.

Talk to you very soon,

Mitch StewartDirectorOrganizing for America

P.S. — We need to make sure as many supporters as possible know about this event. Can you spread the word on Facebook or Twitter, or by forwarding this email?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Health Care Resolution - Clarification

By Padmini Arhant

Ever since the health care debate started, the main objective among the visible opponents has been to fictionalize the various contents of the bill. The health care bill principles – costs, quality and affordability extensively discussed per blogpost ‘Health Care Reform’ July 11, 2009 on this website.

Several testimonials by citizens from all walks of life through various mediums confirmed the urgency for health care reform. The partisan politics continues to disparage the millions of people deprived of proper health care during the public discourse.

A sensitive national matter turned into a controversial subject by the special interests’ agents.

The health care bill described as voluminous, inadequate and far-fetched in reference to the government plan or public option. On the other hand, the noise amazingly disappeared with the White House statement on the possible elimination of the government plan from the competition.

Hence, the overview of the health care funding and the actual role of government plan in the health care legislation vital for true perspective.

How is the government health care funded?

Answers @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Health Care Resolution

By Padmini Arhant

Health Care reform without public option is maintaining the status quo.

All those Americans who consider themselves in the human category, with deep love and compassion for themselves and their loved ones must rise against the ‘opposition’ tidal wave and stop this shenanigan now.

This will be just the beginning for the special interests and the political opponents to reign in on the national progress and achieve their dubious plan to continue with the profiteering racket at the expense of all those they consider weak and vulnerable.

America cannot give up on this unique opportunity to do what is right for the millions of people anxiously hoping for their release from the shackles of the Insurance and health care industry that has always prioritized profits over the health of the people.

It’s time to challenge the Health Insurance, Health care industry and their paid agents as this battle has taken an ugly turn for the worst outcome only allowing the partisan politics and demagoguery to prevail against national progress.

More details on the way with questions directed at the mighty industry and their political representatives responsible for the unacceptable showdown in every town hall meeting that simply reflects the anti-American cause smothered in ignorance and recalcitrant behavior.

Please stand by for further presentation shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 13, 2009

People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon

By Padmini Arhant

Profile - The world’s most populous nation, hailed the emerging economic power presumably in control of the U.S. Treasury and the EU Exchequer, world’s third largest country by total area and the second largest by … ranges forming China’s borders with India and Central Asia.

As the longest thriving Communist power, the totalitarian government embraced Capitalism parallel to its political setting with absolute control on policies directly contradictory to the free market system in the rest of the world.

Politically a Communist and economically a Capitalist nation, China is also a venerable member of the United Nations Security Council for reasons unfitting during the most important U.N. Structural formation post World War II. This has resulted in the excessive use of veto power by the authoritarian rule against all things humane and universally beneficial.

Remaining content @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reconfiguration of the U.N. Security Council

By Padmini Arhant

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” – simple yet meaningful creation by the renowned American Poet – Robert Lee Frost.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Only if the authorities in power – the corporations and the governments alike, in the contemporary world honor the commitment to their people and prioritize the promise to the general population over personal quest for profit, privilege, prestige and politics,

Perhaps, it might be possible to wipe out the global problems such as poverty, disease and war polluting the planet and restore the deep, dark and lovely woods that once used to be the nature’s paradise.

The past week event involving the release of two American journalists – Laura Ling and Euna Lee through high profile diplomacy aided with the former President Bill Clinton’s visit is a confirmation that communication and dialogue can be effective in resolving international crisis.

For the remaining content, please visit

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Revolt against Health Care Reform Politics

By Padmini Arhant

Here we go again! To quote the former President Ronald Reagan revered by the political faction on the right, as the obstructionists rise against health care reform under the guise of ‘fiscal governance’ with the stagecraft artists as citizens screaming and ranting over the health care policy for all.

Should anyone be surprised about the sources responsible for the spectacle at the town hall meetings?

When the propagandists can’t think for themselves, they often lavishly steal ideas from others and misuse the Gandhian principle of non-violence and peaceful protest discussed earlier for their own diabolical means, despite the action being detrimental to national progress.

Surely, Gandhi will be turning in his grave on the abuse of his noble wisdom…at the narcissistic profiteers in the health care industry using the selective media muscle power drive insanity to no point of return.

Out of sight, out of mind and the opposition goes ballistic to stampede the health care legislation.

The noise and raucous in the public arena instigated by the agents of warfare against welfare of the people in a democracy are leaving no stones unturned for their vile personal agenda i.e. dominate and deploy the destructive forces in health care matter directly related to economic and employment recovery.

Don't miss the remaining content @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Time to replace the conservative propaganda machine with collective progressive action.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Too Good to be True

By Padmini Arhant

Throughout history, human reaction to anything unknown, unfamiliar is to cast a shadow of doubt and skepticism reminiscent of “Jesus archetype.”

Human nature is to probe and draw conclusions based on the personal understanding or the lack thereof regardless of the consequences from such action. In the earlier days, it’s a collective effort usually orchestrated by a prominent individual or a group using affluence to influence the mass conception.

When a Jewish born shepherd descended upon earth to spread the message from the celestial supreme being on the birth of a new religion called Christianity adding diversity to the religious sphere, it created pandemonium across the social and religious helm.

Rest continued @

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant